批判性阅读与英语教学Critical Reading and English Teaching

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学时 8.0
学时 8.0
学习有效期 180 天(随到随学)

1.  Level of thinking - Level of difficulty

2.  High level verbs - high level questions

3.  Same question/task at various levels

4.  High level questions use multiple times

5.  Open-ended questions are not necessarily high-level questions.

    Multiple-choice questions are not necessarily low-level questions.

6.  All questions for all people!


Role-play: creative level? remember level?

open-ended questions: with more than one right answer

  - to encourage Ss to think differently

  - to call for creative ideas

closed-ended questions


Strong & weak students: stratified teaching

   - cognitively complex tasks only for strong Ss

- All students have potential to learn.

 - high-achieving VS low-achieving

Pygmalion Effect

  1. to raise level of expectations for all

  2. to model thinking strategies

  3. to provide enough opportunities

 4. to offer encouragement and constructive feedback

 5. not to get frustrated if students do not perform well

  - Teacher's high expectations may result         in an increase in student performance

cognitively engaging tasks


Six Misconceptions about Bloom's taxonomy:

1.  Level of thinking - Level of difficulty

2.  High level verbs - high level questions

3.  Same question/task at various levels

4.  High level questions use multiple times

5.  Open-ended questions are not necessarily high-level questions.

    Multiple-choice questions are not necessarily low-level questions.

6.  All questions for all people!


Role-play: creative level? remember level?

open-ended questions: with more than one right answer

  - to encourage Ss to think differently

  - to call for creative ideas

closed-ended questions


Strong & weak students: stratified teaching

   - cognitively complex tasks only for strong Ss

- All students have potential to learn.

 - high-achieving VS low-achieving

Pygmalion Effect

  1. to raise level of expectations for all

  2. to model thinking strategies

  3. to provide enough opportunities

 4. to offer encouragement and constructive feedback

 5. not to get frustrated if students do not perform well

  - Teacher's high expectations may result         in an increase in student performance

cognitively engaging tasks



Quality questions:

cognitively challenging

  - create

  - evaluate

  - analyze

 1. to present questions properly

2. to stimulate thinking productively

3. to use feedback effectively

4. engage all students


managerial questions

memory questions: recall of information

higher-order thinking questions

angelac5i · 2022-10-25 · Think time 0


   -- typical talk sequence in a traditional classroom


   -- Push for further thinking

   -- desirable exchange pattern for a thinking classroom



qaulity questions&quality questioning









Bloom discovered that 95% of test questions for college students required only simple recall




15 more minutes to produce

1.course objective

text interpretation and quality questions

text interpretation文本解读

what and how much we can see

not only the vocabulary and grammar, but also what we see in a text

the limits of our reading teaching are the limits of our mind.

what else can i teach?

Quality questions:

don't bore students with language practice,

let's try thought-provoking questions, more meaningful and effective

more cognitively challenging questions to engage thinking

quality questions优质问题

hide a part of the picture--more cognitively challenging


cognitive :认知

think harder-learn and remember better

knowledge-learning scientist

challenging questions based on easy texts

quality questions:

half of the p*ess




According to the taxonomy revised in 2001, critical thinking consists of analyze,evaluate and create, among which evaluate is composed of crtiquing,external evaluation and checking,internal evaluation.



1. deep and insigtful thinking

2. Bloom's taxonomy



1. What do you think of the story today?

ysx6vj · 2021-06-16 · Introduction 0

How Bloom's taxonomy relates to critical thinking 1



Bloom's Taxonomy 1

Bloom's Taxonomy, 1956

Uses of taxonomy

Bloom's finding

Anderson's revised taxonomy, 2001

1. Remember

Recall information:

-What, How...?

2. Understand

explain, give examples/main idea

-What, Why, Can...?

3. Apply

Use in another situation

-Translate/make sentences using "enthusiastic".

-Write a passage

4. Analyze


5. Evaluate

give judgments using criteria & standards

6. Create

form a functional whole, not necessarily sth. original or unique

Bloom's Taxonomy 2

-Different questions for different levels (remember, understand, analyze, evaluate, create)

-How to make creative questions?

How can we make it a creative question for all students?

The magic potion for creative questions is “as much as possible”.






Critical Reading Course

Course objective 1

1. Text interpretation 文本解读 & quality questions

2. What and how much can I see?

3. Only vocabulary and grammar?

The limits of our reading teaching are the limits of our mind.

------He *aodong

Quality questions:

1. Too much language practice?

2. X "What does this mean?" 

3. thought-provoking questions, more meaningful and effective

4. more cognitively challenging questions to engage thinking 

quality questions 优质的问题

Cognitively challenging questions

  • Think harder--->learn & remember better
  • knowledge
  • challenging questions based on easy texts?

Course objective 2

Quality questions

X Good questions, but students not engaged!

Use more "How" questions instead of "What"questions!




Dianasrn · 2021-04-21 · Introduction 0

analyze :to break down the passage onto deveral parts and find out hoe they are related to one another and to an overall structure.


认知教育目标:识记 理解 运用分析  综合 评价

从基础知识 --理解能力---知识运用能力

                  -- 分析问题 解决问题的能力

                 ---  评价判断 形成自己的观点



Quality questions are very important.

福p80 · 2021-03-30 · Introduction 0




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