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finally, i would like congratulate you all. for your excellent speechmaking, i hope you can keep this enthusiasim and passion for public speaking in the weeks to come. i am sure, if you keep to try, to practice, in the end of the term, you will witness a big difference. at least we have two public speech to make, so you still have lots of work to do. many  videos to watch, chapter to read, manuscript s to work on , research to do. but all this will contribute to you a big progress at the end of this 

俊杰248 · 2019-08-22 · Video 5 0

ok, now we are going to have our presentation. in this session, i will invite 5-6 studnets to come up here, and to tell the class some new and interesting things around you. now the first one, will be      . before we start, i would like to introduce our timer. **is our timer. when your speech is beyond 2 minutes, you will see the signal over there. 

ok, for the final five minutes, i am going to ask you think about the most impressive , the most memorable interesting speech you have heard today. i am going to just ask randomly someone to tell me which speech do you think is most impressve for you. since the speakers have given the speech, so i will ask some one who havn't given the speech, they have been the listeners. 

俊杰248 · 2019-08-22 · Video 6.2 0

hello, everyone, today is your first speech delivery session, how do you feel ? butterflies in your stomach? are you excited? if you are excited, you are not alone. i know some of you have had kind of experience doing public speaking in English before taking this course, while others may be more liking in experience  giving public speech, it doesn't matter which situation you are in , what metters is that today is a moment , today is an opportunities for us all together to break ice, by getting eveyone here stand up , and come here stand in front of the class, and speaker give your very first speech. and your first speech is very important, on the road to building your confidence and it is going to be foundation on which you bulit for your later speech of this term. so before i invite someone to speak today, i wou;d clarify what you do. there are two main tasks to accomplish today.  task one, you are going to give two-minute self intrduction speech which is different from that self introduction you often make whenever needed, most of the time, simple by providing the basic information about yourself. and today the self introduction speech si kind of special, because you are required to use an object to as a starting point to explain some aspects of your persinality , bacrground , belief, or asperations. there are other side, your responsibiliity which is peer evaluation, each student to give peer evaluation for five other students, for this purpose, we have divided the class into five groups, with each group comprising 5 students also. this is going to be very convient, because we have arranged people in the same group around the same desk , so you watch your group member go up and stand in front of class, and speaker and evaluate the speaker immediately after words, and you watch the speaker go back their seats just near you , so the impression is reinforced, so you won't get wrong person. now, everyone here has got five copies of evaluation form in your hands, and you will be given 30 seconds after each speech to complete the form , whhich will be turned in after this class session. this is what we are going to do, how do we do it? what are the guidelines? in fact, what we are talking about the guidline you have already used, when preapring your speech, and still find it is necessay to review important one, and beside, some important guidline concern your delivery and presentation  which have today. here they are, the first guidline, the self introduction speech is like any speech, that should contain three parts, namely, introduction, body  and conclusion. and above all. it is the title, that clearly define your central message, and instantly establish a kind of relationship between object and yourself. second guildline, since we have required you to use an object to provide insights into yourself, so what we expect is creative speech, the more creative speech, the more successful it is going to be.  the third guidline, it is impossible to cover everything in your life within 2 minutes , so a better approch will be to focus on one or two events , or at most three main points. next, observing time limits is alway an esstntial aspect of any speechmaking. so i want to make sure eveyone here is concious of time limits. 2 minutes. and we have the time keeper, ,,,, to help you observe the time limit. number 5, be a good listener, since giving  peer evaluation is an improtnat task today and to give responsible feedbacks you need in the first place to be a good listener. make sure not to fill out the form during the speech, but after the speech, and you will be give 30 seconds after each speech to complete the form. .one last note, everybody here is require to turn in two copies of carefully appropriate , printed manuscript of your speech. 

俊杰248 · 2019-08-22 · Video 4 0

content : not fully developed

delivery: not poised; making things up, stream of consciousness

impromptu speech:


Kallan · 2019-08-19 · Video 2.2 0

we will do the report, in unit of group, each of froup can chose one  representative . 

(after student) any questions? especially, let 's every time focus a little bit more on specific purpose statement, only when you have the specific purpose, you know what kind of contents will squize in , what kind examples or stories that can be borrowed to support the specific purpose. 

how can you make it more specific?

let's more on our third activity, be more creative. there are five elements here, hopefully, you are not thinking about the tolism

1. you alreay have  a list of questions like this given 12 questions here,  2.  you have 12 questions on your list, and i want you to think about those questions and try to generate ten topics from your answer in your team, and try to cover many fields as possib le. 

ok, we start with team number one(all studnets take part in ),  we face the audience when we speak , just like a public speaker. let's move around, your topic and your specific purpose, forget about the general purpose, we don't have time. 

comments: ok, well done every one, all of your ideas are very creative , i am ammzing how well you do in this part, in topic selection and purpose selection, and your topic is so interesting, and i am so anticipating your next public speech. this is all the avtivites we have practiced today, how to use the brainstoring and collective wisdom to find some interesting topic. we've overcome some difficulties we still had in deciding the topic as well as the specific purpose in particular. we will have the homework assigned to you through the internet basicly in watching a video, write down the topic , general urpose, specific purpose and central idea. 

俊杰248 · 2019-08-17 · Video 3.2 0

several weeks ago , i have assigned homework for you, to prepare your first public speaking, have you decide to what you are going to talk about? have you found difficulty in choosing the topic? yes, i think sh e has said something difficulty we many meet in choosing the topic of the speech. what if my topic is common. people maight say, i have heard of the same thing. topic is really important, and it is also difficult to decide. this is why today we spend time in selecting the topic and the prupose. according the textbook, there are two categories of topics. the first category is the topic you know a lot about it , the sencond is that the topic you want to know more about it(asking student). great, that's deserve a warm applause, i was hasitating whether it was necessay to put you into a greel guiz, but now i am pretty certain that is a must. so you are going to the quiz. so this is the activity, number one , the quiz, let's look at the muitiple choice questions, 

comments, i thinks you must do a much better job collectively than individually

your specific purpose must be a statement, not a question, that is appropriate for the audience and can be finished in the allotted time, without being figurative. so this is the principle, print it in your mind. this is our quiz, now let's  move on activity. i have just checked your basic knowledge, you have handled the basic, if you have forgotten part of the knowledge, please very quickly scan full of your textbook again, can handle the very basics.  in activity number 2 is called clooective brainstorming focusing on clustering. cluster technique you can practice with your own time. this is what we going to do, (directions). so this the nine recommended categories in your textbook, actually, you have done your individual clarifying by yourself before you came to the class. let's see whether you can find more interested and better topic through the collective wisdom by referring to your classmates or your peers's wisdom. let see the number 2, each team member lists in each column the first three items that come to mind. so all of you should put three items  your mind on your teams fall. 3. of course it is great to look at these, and you know exactly what is go for, that's the greatest thing, however, if you still feel confused, there so many choices, i don't know which topic to nail down, that's alright. you can totally feel free to sublist and free associate, and find the satisfactory topic. after you decide your topic, and also decide on the general purpose , specific purpose and a central idea. share them with your teammates and welcome their feedbacks. which means sometime, you do not know thether the topic you have chosen in interesting one, or you are quite not sure whether you can be better oir improved, and this moment you can ask your peer for hlep, especially when you concerning specific purpose and central idea, sometime, we make mistake, sometime we ask a question. when we deciding a specific purpose whether is it be statement, some  figurative statement, so each of you should b e the monitor of your peer, you are doing a service job. you try to spot the imprefection in his or her statement, try to help her or him, when we do this activity based on groups, so you alreay have your group, and you already done the listing around the classroom, and you can see each team has occupy one chalkboard, and you have already written down the three items on the each category. i think you alreay done very good job, at the very begining , after your team discussion from your own chalkboard,  you still feel unsatisfied, you feel you can do more, listless is not  power enough, or i wnat to be more exploring, then please feel free to move around to knock on other team's door, look at their chalkboard borrow that from them and find your ideal topic. don't afraid of making mess or making noises, stand up, move around and your topics and i will invite some to present and share onstage, now, let get started, i will give you ten mins.

i just kind to remind you, when you engage in the conversation, dont talk bout the contents of your speech, it is not yet there. what you are need to do is to talk about the topic. to identify whether you peer's specific purpose within the six principles, ask yourself if his specific pursoe to general , to figurative, is it appropriate for the audience, is it a question, or if it can be finished in the allotted time. use the six priciple to monitor each other's specfic purpose and provide your suggestion

俊杰248 · 2019-09-19 · Video 3.1 0

Why we need to learn public speaking? (benefitial to everyone)

personal benefits 

professional benefits

social/community benefits

cultural benefits (butcher)


Kallan · 2019-08-10 · Video 1.1 0

the most memorable part of the lecture is the students' participation of presentation of the beginnning of the speech. with the sample beginning and the practice by the students, the teaching result would be more satisfactory. flipped class is really commendable because with the limited time in class, the students can further develop their ability  by doing the practice and improve the public skill in the real sense. 


1.review of guidelines

2. case studies

3speaking practice

types of occasions: 1 speech of introduction; speech of presentation; speech of acceptance; toasts; speech of tribute

1. focus on the featured speaker

be brief

be accurate

establish the speaker's credibility

create realistic expectations

set the tone for the speech.

2. state the purpose of the award or recognition

state the recipient's qualifications

adapt your speech's organization to audience knowledge;

compliment the finalists for the award

3. thank those who bestowed the award;

compliment the competition

thank those who helped you attain the award

accept the award graciously

4. stand up and speak to the entire room.

exhibit warmth and sincerity.

state important principles briefly, graciously, and circumspectly.

raise the glass and consume the drink.

5. establish noble themes

provide vivid examples

express the audience feelings

craete a memorable image

be genuine






The  Art of Public Speaking

Couse Syllabus and Teaching Plan

Sichuan University

Part I Syllabus

Teaching objectives

The purpose of theis course is to eanable studens to better undestand the principles and then master the skills of public speaking. The flipped classroom model is designed to allow students to read textboo chapters ana watch microvideos before class to understand the theory and principle part sothat they have more time and opportunites in class to do task-based classroom dicussions and practice on different public speaking skills. Post-class activities usually include continued practice of public speaking skills, speech research and speech writing. Throughout the semester, each student will give four speeches to the eniter class including an introductory speech, an infmormative speech, a persuasive speech and a ceremonial speech. The skills developed by engaging in this course can be practically applied to other situations, such as school or work presentations, job interviews, meetings, conferences, etc.

Required Materials

1. Stephen Lucas. (2010). The Art of Public Speaking 10th ed. 

2. Online course of The Art of Public Speaking

Teaching Method

This course will be delivered b a fliipped-class model where students will beforehand access online lessons, some course materials and recources, and instructors will later on facilitate class discussions and guide activities at class times.

Grading Policy

10% - class attendance, participation of class activities, and completion of the online course.

10% - introductory speech

30% - informative speech

40% - persuasive speech

10% - ceremonial speech

Course structure

  • pre-class

Read a book chapter. Watch the online course relevant to the book chapter. Finish assignment fronm the online course.

  • in - class

Quiz for pre-class reading and videos. Discussions of key conecpts or points. Case study. Practice.

  • post - class

Review thea assigned video speeches to observe and analyze. Finish the exercises for thinking and speaking that follow each chapter. Give feedback to the instructor.

Course Schedule

Week 1 - Introdutions and speaking confidently and ethically

Week 2 - Delivering the speech

Week 3 - Selecting a topic

Week 4 - Introductory speech making 1

Week 5 - Introductory speech making 2

Week 6 - Audience analysis and speaking to inform

Week 7 - Outlining the speech

Week 8 - Beginning and ending the speech

Week 9 - Visual aids

Week 10 - Informative speech making 1

Week 11 - Informative speech making 2

Week 12 - Speaking to persuade and supporting your ideas

Week 13 - Polishing language

Week 14 - Persuasive speech making 1

Week 15 Persuasaive speech making 2

Week 16 - Speak on special occasions 


Part II Teaching plan 

Week 1 Introduction and speaking confidently and ethically



what is public speaking?

  1. more formal language
  2. better structured
  3. better deliver skill

public speaking

  1. good purpurse
  2. bad purpurse 

benefits for public speacking

  1. confidence 
  2. creativity
  3. sensetivity

professional benefits

  1. career promotion

cultural benefits






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