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How do you design "my first speech"? is it important?


beginning and ending the speech





English laugage proficiency

power of speaking 




Can you name a few famous public speakers


Several different situations where public speaking skills can be employed.


for today, we are going to talk about outlining the speech . before we go on, i would ask you a question, when did chinese  start to have grammer? ok., i ask you in another way, did chinese have grammer in the begining? yes, we don't have grammer, so from this perspective, can you compare Chinese language and english language? ?grammer is what? the grammer is rules whicn can divide sentence into different sense groups. so in other words, at the very begining, chinese didn't have sense group, chinese didn't have rules, so what's the difference between chinese and english.  rules. right? so we often say english is grammatical language, just like a tree, with very clear stem, and very clear branches,right, but the chinese language like    . so one word can be used to discribe chinese is vague. or that chinese what is you to do is too feel it , in chinese it means 悟。 you must have very clear understanding of it , right? so the purpose of me reminding of you the difference between the chinese and english is start i need to remind you the difference between having an outline and having no outline, right? so from our mentality, we would like to think about  a  certain topic in a very wide way, we only have a big picture , like grand picture, but we don't have the stem , we don't have the branch for it righ? so the purpose of us talking aobut outlining is to do what? is to help us to find a logic in your speech. so you are clear about what you are going to talk about. right? 

so you  need to say what about begining and ending? what is the purpose of your speech? to informe , the most importantly, to attract, so to attract your audience, you do really have a very good begining. so for the first session, let's go into outline the speech, but we will have a quiz first. 

so let go into the sample analysis, i assume that all of you have watched and analyzed the steve job's commencement speech, it is pretty classical, so before that, let me ask you two questions No1. what is single most important thing you get from his speech? what is the central idea, or what is the topic? stay hungry, stay foolish, this is the third points, follow your heart. life come from the doof.  so you see, when you are talking about the impression of steve's job's speech, so you talk about the main ideas. that's very good, because you have mentioned all the main ideas of his speech which is the testimony that steve job has given a very successful speech. but let's talk aobut central idea, the second question, you 've already answered. lert's look at the structure of steve job 's speech, in his commencement speech, he actually talk about the central idea or  should be do what you love. so his speech is divided into three parts or there three main points. the first one is connects the dots, the second one is  love and loss, and the third one is death. for the first part, connect dots, he talked about the reed college, calligraphy, so you've remembered this interesting thing he mentioned about calligraphy. do you still remember apple and Microsoft. that is the point. and the third one is Macintosh. and in the second part , he talked about the apple garage, because the company was set up in  grasjh by steve job and his partner. and he got fired and then returned, and third part is death, so there three points cancer diagnosis, time is limited, stay hungry, stay foolish. so fro, so from this chart, do you know where and going? so what is the single most important feature of this chart? yes, there are three main points supported  by three subpoints. ok, so look at this, this is what called message map template.  so in this templete, it has the same format as that of steve job, we have three key ponts and we have three supporting points. so why is that? remember the question , remermber what we mention in the quiz, so how many points are preferred? two to five, three is the best one. let me ask you , you all know this , what is the most stable shape of all shapes, that's the triangle. very good. now , let's look at the rule of three. it  is from wikipedia. the rule of three or the power of three is a writing principle that suggests that things are funnier, more satisfying or more effective than other number of things. and this one from neil. the human mind can consume only about three "chunk “ of information in short-term,or working, memory. what is short-term memory? short term memoru is what you can remember from my class after today.  that's short memory. as more and more items are added to a list., the average person retains less and less.  so you can use three points or four points. but five points are not preferred.   can you guess what is this? this is latin, so can you guess what does it mean?  three, you get that from where? yes, the second word is trium, tri or triangle means three, right? so the sentence in latin means everything that comes in threes is perfect, or , every set of three is complete. next one, the three inalienable right voiced in the US declaration of independence.  what are the fundamental three rights of the american peeple? equality, freedom, the prusuit of happieness, life and liberty. very good. in the book called talk like TED, the author camine, gallo talkes about three components of an inspiring presentation, first one is emotional , they touch my heart, novel , they teach me somthing new, because you know human crave for new things. right? memorable, they present content i wll never forget. so if you wnat to achieve the third goal memorable. you might  want to focus your points in three aspects , that will basically help you to achieve the third goal. ok ,  in the book talk like TED, there are three ways suggested to build to mssage map, step one, to create twitter -friendly headline, step two, supprot the headline with three key message. step 3. reinforce the three message with stories,statistic and examples. now let me elaborate on the three steps. first is to create twitter -friendly headline, why twitter friendly? twitter is equivalent what in china? weiibo. so do you know this rule for weibo is that you can not publicize more than 150 character. so what the difficulty has caused you? there are so much you wnat to express, but weibo and twitter are forcing you to focus your ideas, you feel your feelings to very short sentences. so this is process what? this is process to find your focus, it is a process of ansewering this . what is the single most important thing you want your audience to get from you r speech right? for the second step. we 've already discussed. ok, talk about  rule of three and buidling a message map. i would like to have a group discussion for 5 mins . on your topic, on your outline, but use this checklist 

later, i am going to invite , after your disscusison, some two studnets to come up here , please do remember what is your purpose .your purpose is first to give a clear framework of your topic and most importantly, for  all the speakers today, your purpose is to attract, clear? ok, here comes to discussion. 

see, that i can remember, that is a good example about outline, very simple and very clear. so you have a brief idea of what is this about our first session


俊杰248 · 2019-08-23 · Video 7 0




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