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The interactionalist approach to construct definition (Chapelle, 1998; Chalhoub-Deville, 2004; Bachman, 2007), which highlights the prominent role of language use context, has been explored with a primary focus on applications in a summative assessment context. Attention has been drawn to design challenges and considerations and generalizability and fairness issues associated with highly contextualized tasks. Implications of the interactionalist approach for formative assessment, however, have not been examined in a systematic way.


This talk will focus on how to apply the interactionalist approach in design, development and validation of speaking assessment and discuss differences in key design issues and validation priorities for summative vs. formative purposes.



Xiaoming Xi

Xiaoming Xi is Executive Director at Educational Testing Service (ETS), having responsibility for new innovations in the areas of global education and workforce and for conceptualizing, prioritizing, developing and deploying assessments, learning tools and services that help support ETS’s social mission of advancing quality and equity in education.


In her previous position as Senior Director of the Center for English Language Learning and Assessment at ETS, she led foundational research advancing English language learning and assessment for learners worldwide and research support for ETS’ English language assessments, including the TOEFL® and TOEIC® programs, and assessments for English learners in the U.S.


Her research spans broad areas of theory and practice, including validity and fairness issues in the broader context of test use, test validation methods, approaches to defining test constructs, validity frameworks for automated scoring, automated scoring of speech, the role of technology in language assessment and learning, and test design, rater and scoring issues. She is currently Series Co-editor of the Routledge book Series on Innovations in Language Learning and Assessment and Associate Editor of Language Assessment Quarterly. She received her doctoral degree in second/foreign language assessment from the University of California, Los Angeles.








1. 高校外语工作者,尤其是研究方向包括语言测试的教师与研究者

2. 其他对语言测试、外语测评等领域感兴趣的人群