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本课程由国内思辨教学领域知名专家孙有中教授与拥有二十余年丰富口语、辩论教学经验的Gary Rybold教授共同主讲。课程中,主讲专家将基于项目教学法系统讲解口语教学的教学理念、课程设计、评价模式及教学特点等,同时辅以详实的教学实例,深入浅出地讲解如何设计口语教学活动,提高学生学习兴趣,切实提高学生口语水平,带领教师在着力提高学生英语口语能力的同时,探索如何启迪学生智慧,培养思辨能力。





     Gary Rybold

Gary Rybold has taught public speaking and debate at Irvine Valley College (IVC) in California since 1993. His competitive speaking experience included four years of high school and four years of college. He coached IVC to 16 national debate championship titles. Professor Rybold was the first certified trainer of the International Debate Education Association to teach in China (2003). He has taken over 130 IVC students and coaches to China on academic debate tours and has trained over 7,000 Chinese students in debate and public speaking. As a Fulbright-Hayes scholar, Professor Rybold researched debate as a developmental tool for English majors at Beijing Foreign Studies University in China. At the same university, he received a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics (2011) with a dissertation on pedagogy for developing oral communication and critical thinking skills in a second language. Professor Rybold has written over 25 magazine, journal, and convention articles and three textbooks: College English Critical Thinking Course (3) (Beijing: FLTRP Press, 2016); Debating in English: A Critical Thinking Approach to Effective Speaking (Beijing: FLTRP Press, 2010); Speaking, Listening, and Understanding – Debate for Non-Native English Speakers (NY: IDEBATE Press, 2006).



Chapter 1: Oral English and Intercultural Critical Thinking

Chapter 2: Overview of Project Pedagogy, Theory and Speech Assignments

Chapter 3: Introduction of Critical Thinking as a System of Analysis and Evaluation

Chapter 4: Syllabus Explanation: Teaching Principle, Syllabus Design and Assessment

Chapter 5: Collaborating in Small Groups/Communication Principles

Chapter 6: The Organization Model

Chapter 7: Active Listening

Chapter 8: Research and Argument Construction

Chapter 9: Constructing a Persuasive Speech

Chapter 10: Delivering Speeches







1. 高校外语教师

2. 外语专业硕士及博士研究生

3. 对项目教学法在口语教学中的应用感兴趣的人群






Irvine Valley College


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