
学时 5.0
学时 5.0
学习有效期 截止:2024-11-13 (随到随学)
该课程属于 四川外国语大学教师发展智慧研修空间 请加入后再学习


本课程基于2016年9月3日Paul Kei Matsuda教授的在线直播课录制而成,课程内容与当天直播内容相同,供当天没有参与直播以及其他对二语写作研究与论文发表感兴趣的教师和研究者在线学习。




This workshop contains the following two lectures: 

Lecture 1 

Trends in Second Language Writing Research: Preparing to Join the Conversation 

This lecture will help the participants understand research trends in second language writing and develop ideas for cutting-edge research projects for publication in international journals such as the Journal of Second Language Writing. The lecture will begin with an historical overview of research trends followed by commentaries on some of the key developments in the fields as well as future directions. The participants will be encouraged to share their research ideas for discussion and feedback.


Lecture 2

Making Your Research Publishable: Examples from Second Language Writing Research

To publish research articles, many researchers focus on making their manuscript substantive — by identifying viable research questions, by designing an appropriate method, and by presenting sensible analyses. While these are no doubt important considerations, they are not always enough to make a manuscript publishable. In a highly competitive knowledge market, even academic research needs to have a slant that makes it attractive to other researchers. In this lecture, the participants will examine examples from second language writing research to understand what make research articles more appealing to reviewers and fellow researchers.



Paul Kei Matsuda is the Professor of English and Director of Second Language Writing at Arizona State University. He is also Concurrent Professor of Applied Linguistics at Nanjing University and Zhengzhou University. Paul has published widely on various topics on language, writing and professional development in applied linguistics, rhetoric and composition and TESOL, and has received a number of prestigious awards for his publications. His works include Handbook of Second and Foreign Language Writing, Cross-Language Relations in Composition, Second-Language Writing in the Composition Classroom: A Critical Sourcebook, Second Language Writing Research: Perspectives on the Process of Knowledge Construction etc.

Paul is Founding Chair of the Symposium on Second Language Writing and Series Editor of the Parlor Press Series on Second Language Writing. He has also served as the founding chair of the CCCC Committee on Second Language Writing and the chair of the Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL (NNEST) Caucus. He has served as the President of the American Association for Applied Linguistics and is currently the Immediate Past President.

In addition to teaching, research and professional service, Paul has served as a program evaluator and consultant for various language programs and graduate programs throughout the United States and around the world.



1. Casanave, C. P. & Vandrick, S. (2003). Writing for Scholarly Publication: Behind the Scenes in Language Education. L. Erlbaum Associates, 24(1), 111-113.

2. Matsuda, P. K. Publishing your research. Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning. Eds. J. D. Brown & C. Coombe. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 272-278.



1. 前瞻性:课程涵盖二语写作的前沿信息及未来发展趋势解读,为学员带来新的研究思路和方法

2. 实用性:专家以自身论文写作与发表的经验为例,给学员提供可直接应用于二语写作研究的建议,切实帮助其提高写作研究的能力

3. 全面性:课程包含写作研究和论文发表两大板块,一门课程,双重收获



1. 帮助高校外语教师以及学习者了解二语写作的历史、研究趋势和发展方向

2. 结合高校外语教师及研究者的实际教学与研究情况,为其二语写作教学与研究提供合理、可操作的意见和建议

3. 帮助高校外语教师以及学习者掌握恰当的研究方法,构建合理的研究过程,从而提升二语写作研究以及论文发表的能力



1. 外语教师,尤其是教授英语写作的高校教师

2. 对二语写作研究和论文发表感兴趣的教师、研究者及学生

3. 指导学生写作备赛的教师和研究者




Arizona State University


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