
今天选取的文章是来自《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)的

"National service for young people should be encouraged — but not required"


这是一篇典型的问题解决型文章(problem-solution essay),下面将通过分析这篇文章的行文来介绍行文中的三种细节展开方式(detail patterns)。



OVER THE summer, we asked readers to submit topics on which they would like to see Post editorials. We got more than 1,000 submissions. We cut those down to 10 and asked readers to vote on them. The top vote-getter was the following: “Whether young Americans should be required and/or incentivized to spend a period of time in a program of national service.”

Ms. Sagawa says that a scaled-up national service program would cost $20,000 per person per year, and her organization sets a goal of recruiting a million people a year. Others have challenged this math, but even on its face, $20 billion a year could pay a lot of college costs.



2.Cause and effect(因果关系)


The top vote-getter was the following: “Whether young Americans should be required and/or incentivized to spend a period of time in a program of national service.”

Our answer: Required, no. Encouraged and enabled far more than they are now, absolutely.

We can see why this topic got so much support. Civic spirit — including trust in traditional institutions, such as the government and the mainstream media — seems to be low and dropping.

The reasons for this state of affairs are many and varied, defying simple solutions. …




3.Exemplification (举例论证)


Over the past several decades, Americans have sorted themselves into warring camps that increasingly refuse to talk to one another. The nation is in the midst of a toxic presidential race based on identity and grievance rather than reason. (Cause& effect, exemplification)


