2017“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛决赛舞台上首次出现了外国面孔,10位外籍选手经过网络赛场晋级全国决赛。其中,帅气的印度小哥哥Shashvat Joshi表现尤为优异,一路过关斩将,走上总决赛的舞台,最终夺得季军。




Shashvat Joshi(印度)复旦大学(指导老师:万江波老师)








When I first read the topic, I sat down and started breaking down the main theme  "Community of shared destiny for mankind" word by word in my mind. I tried to understand what the words "community", "shared destiny" and "mankind" meant to me. Hence, I started my opening statement by explaining the same words.  From there on, I went on explaining the contributions and efforts of my university in achieving the "shared destiny". With help from my coach Ms. Wan Jiangbo, I came up with "open education" as the main theme and tried to emphasize the concept throughout my speech with examples like Internet-plus education and internationalization. In the context of Fudan, I mentioned some specific programs like the MOOC platform and specialized courses for international students, which I found on the university website and used to bolster my case. Finally, towards the end, I wanted to re-enunciate and emphasize once again my main theme, i.e., open education, so I used words like "wall-less campuses" and named various organizations of which Fudan is a part, to highlight its openness. It took me more than five hours to write my opening statement.


Given the limited time and numerous rounds to prepare for, in my final round I went for an unconventional approach towards delivering my speech. Rather than memorizing the statement, justification and summary, I made bullet points and tried to improvise on stage. For the challenging round, I was more focused on conveying the idea of "cultivating talents" as the essential outcome of the in-place open education system.


Frankly, the hardest part for me was the topic itself, which was pretty abstract. But with help from Professor Wan, I was able to come up with a central idea and tried my best to reinforce it throughout my speech. All in all, my experience of the final round was incredible. Listening to all the speakers and their ideas was truly inspiring. It was indeed a fair and well fought battle. 








南京师范大学金陵女子学院讲师,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校博士。长期从事英语演讲及辩论教学 。2002年至2010年多次指导学生在“外研社杯”、“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛及英语辩论赛中获得优异成绩。2012-2014年连续参加全美传播学大会(National Communication Association Conference)并获优秀论文奖。


好的演讲能够时刻吸引观众的注意力,要做到这一点并非易事,在演讲比赛中想实现这个目标就更难了。紧张,准备时间短,这些都会让选手忘了公共演讲的最基本原则之一——being audience-centered。但是Shashvat同学在比赛第四阶段的演讲比较好地做到了这一点。


他很好地用问题来构架自己的演讲。一开始就问观众“What do you mean by the word community” ,在解释完复旦大学的培养目标之后,又问“How do we do it” 。虽然只是两个简单的问题,但是这样的effective signpost对于演讲这种线性信息输入来说是非常重要的结构辅助。观众会因为演讲者不断提出的问题而保持关注和思考的状态。




结尾处,Shashvat同学又说到“In this modern era, when people are building walls, we are moving to a wall-less campus”。虽然只是简单的修辞技巧,但契合他之前所介绍的复旦的国际化和网络化理念,同时又给了观众一个兼具形象和节奏感的catching phrase。到演讲的结尾处,观众需要这样一个总结来帮助他/她们记住这个演讲最核心的message。







