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语步分析:John Swales提出,

Move1:Establishing a research territory

contextualizing; generalization (一句话); reviwing items (1-2个)

"In recent decades, there  has been increasing interest in ...; as ... is considered one of the distinguishing features of ...."

"XXX have demonstrated that (现在完成时)"

Move 2: Establishing a niche

existing problems; gap; question-raising;continuing research tradition; providing Justification

“While well-intensioned, ...often have little/no experience doing sth.”"However, XXX have received little attention."

"This present paper extends... examinging  ..."

“gaining sth. can provide us with....”

Move 3: Occupying the niche

Announcing purpose; presenting research question 

"This study examines ..."

"Using ...analysis, our s"

Move 4:Describing research design

describing setting/participants/corpus/methodological approach/tools;

rationalize it.

"This paper focuses specifically on"

数据收集方法"Semi-structure interviews of... were conducted in order to gain insight into..."

"Data collection methods include: a. face to face interviews; b. a survey composed of Likert-scaled items; c. a survey composed of dichotomous items; d. ...scales; e. a scale for detecting...."


Move 5: Elucidating data analysis procedure/s (optional)

“A discourse analysis of ... illumintated that...”

具体工具及其用法进行阐述“To this end, the study applied... to .... This innovative use of ... is particularly useful for doing....”

Move 6:discussing results

The analysis uncovers that...., while at the same time...

the main analysis reveals that

the findings of the study have both theoretical and practical implications for ...


Move 7:Describing future presentation


一一bwo · 2020-04-20 · 摘要 0





bobor66 · 2020-02-15 · 摘要 0

16.The comprehension data were elicted using a sentence-picture matching task and a sentence-matching reaction time expreriment. The two types of comprehension data provide a principled means of distinguishing between semantic and morpho-syntacitic processing.[Step 3 ]


          Move 5

17. A discourse analysis of both research interviews and writing conferences illuminated the different orientations and positionings that emerged in relation to multilingual policies.[Step 1]


18 Each token(or set of tokens) was then coded and organized into three broad domains;corporate, pedagogical, and hybrid.[Step 2]


19 To this end, the study applied k-means clustering to changes in the relationship between each student's L2 and L1 writing abilities and L2 proficiency over time. This innovative use of cluster analysis is particularly useful for probing patterns in chornological relational changes in interactions between mutually influential variables as opposed to its conventional application to synchronic relations between them.[Step 3]

第一句把分析的步骤、分析的工具(k-means clustering)做了阐述;下一句把这个分析方法为什么好进行了说明(这个有创意的做法特别有用,可以帮助我们发现一些patterns)

   Move 6

20 The analysis uncovers that emphasis on service is overshadowed by the selling of an exciting,coming-of-age adventure, while at the same time downplaying difficulties associated with volunteering.[Step 1]


21 The main analysis of the current study revealed a significant role for both VK and SK in explaining success in L2 listening comprehension, which differes from findings from previous empirical studies.[Step 2]


   Move 6 &7 Examples

22 The findings of the current study have both pedagogical and methodological impolications for L2 Chinese assessments, SLA research as well as classroom instruction.[Move 6  Step 3]


23 We begin by reporting the results with textual examp;es to illustrute students'ciatation practices, followed by implications for citation studies and suggestions for enhancing students'citation practices.[Move7 Step1]


完整的摘要举例 I 会议论文摘要

第一段第一句话,Move 3 Step1,论文的目的;




完整的摘要举例II 期刊论文摘要


第一句话把研究话题的重要性与当前研究的情况(两个that从句)放在一起,把Move1 和Move 2放在一起。

第二句话讲本研究关注一个特别具体的指标,看它对标题中提到的三个方面有什么影响。把Move 2与Move 3 step1 结合起来。






小魔镜 · 2020-02-20 · 摘要 0


