
Conversation Analysis: Defining Features and Research Design

价格 ¥269.00
学时 4.0
学时 4.0
学习有效期 180 天(随到随学)
会员免费学 购买课程


video recooeding: facial expression

taking turning ;signal ; 

difficulties: cameras, 撰写, naturalistic and largely qualitative

Jeffersonian system

misisipione one second

request: (silence 200seconds)refusal

phenomena not coded :

e.g. take turns: overlapping? interruption

or transitional place?

2. research topic generation

unmotivated inquiry

a decision to focus on something comparaitvely specific

a decision to focus on sth comparaitvely extensive

needs and interes of the practicers

annalytic point:

what activity?


examine in details

recipient respond

collection and systematic patterns in interaction and sth beyond

identify a possible phenomeno




