Teaching IELTS Writing through Band Descriptors
ITE Speech Lecture
Sppech Outline
1. To fully understand CHinese IELTS learners' problems in writing;
2. To hightlight learners' needs and apply IELTS assessment criteria to support learning and teaching;
3. To share useful teaching and learning activities that can be used in classes.
1. Misunderstanding of the test requirement
2. Lack of confidence in identifying language levels;
3. Be confined to "big" vocabulary and "complicated" grammatical structure while writing in English
1. Analyze test requirement more deeply
2. Learn to understand band descriptors and apply them to your students' language
3. Apply useful techniques to develop students' writing confidence.
IELTS Writing Assessment criteria
1. task achievement/Task response
2. Cohesion and Coherence
3. Lexical Resourse
4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Task Response (Task 2)
1. Respond fully to all aspects of question(顾及到问题涉及的所有方面)
2. Sufficient length responses(文章字数)
3. Develop and support your ideas
4. Clear and consistent opinion明确的,连贯性的观点
导学课程 course orientation
Task 1 Overview.
Task 2 观点需要表达清楚. Clear position
CC Cohesion coherense
Linking ways
Lexical resources : range of vocabulary
precise application of vocabulary.
GRA: Grammar and structures and complexed sentences.
1. Analyse question
标准:good vocabulary; topic sentences; linking devices; complex sentences.