1加深认识,美国学生认识能力下降,过去一百年里学生对文本的理解能力是否真的降低了?challenging the research base of the commen course state standard,a historical analysis of text comrehensity。 2改善实践,Is text written for children useful for extansil reading对教学改善进行探索。3.改变情境,新情境中是否适用,会不会产生新的结论,意想不到的新发现?例子:区别性特征之前主要在英语作为第二语言的研究中进行实证探索,2013年发表的那篇主要是在汉语作为第二语言的情境汇总来实施的。主要研究汉语口语学习者区别性情景特征对口语成绩的影响。
第一类,问的是数值的多少。叫做“”找多少” (描述性统计),如What is the vocabulary size necessary to reach 98% coverage of text written for chidren. Does knowledge of 2000 high-frequency word families offer more ccoverage of text written for children than t does of graded readers and text written for elder readers? Is the vocabulary size necessary to reach 98% coverage the same for texts written for younger and older readers. Webb, S, & Macalister, J. (2013). Is Text written for children useful for L2 Extensive reading?第二类“找关系”(相关分析和回归分析),In waht way does each f the disinguishing features relate to the scores? how do the distinguishing features contribute to the scores?Jingle, T., Mak, B. (2013). distinguishing features in scoring Language Chinese Speaking performance: How do they work? Language Testing, 30(1).23-47第三类“找差异”(T检验和方差分析)。In what ways does performance on EAP speaking tasks differ by level? What are the distinguishing features of test perfrmance at each of five assessed levels of proficiency? Iwashita, N, Brown, A., McNamara, T., & O'Hagan, S. (2008). Assessed levels of second language speaking proficiency: How sistincct? Applied Linguistics,29(1),24-49.
第一类,找多少的问题可以表述为:what is;does more than;is the same/different for
第二类,找关系。relate to一对一关系;contribute to 多对一的回归关系
第三类,找差异。differ by;what
四大主流期刊:Applied Linguistics;Modern Language Journal (MLJ);Language Learning;Study in Second Language Acquisition