跨文化语言教学之新动向 (直播课程)

Michael Byram教授在线直播课 (2016年3月31日晚上8:00-9:00)

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本课程结合具体实例,系统讲解目前跨文化语言教学最新的发展动向,详细分析如何实施 “文化” 语言教学到 “跨文化” 语言教学的转变,以及 “跨文化” 语言教学到 “跨文化公民教育” 的转变。课程目录如下:

1. How are changes in intercultural language teaching taking place and how in future should they take place?

2. How to move from "cultural" to "intercultural" language teaching?

3. How should "intercultural" language teaching move towards "intercultural citizenship" teaching?



Professor Michael Byram is Professor Emeritus at Durham University (UK) and Guest Professor at University of Luxembourg. He is also Visiting Professor at Beijing Language and Culture University and Consultant Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology. He "read" Languages at King's College, Cambridge (UK), completed a PhD in Danish literature, and taught French and German in secondary education. At Durham since 1980, he has been engaged in teacher training and research on languages and education. His monographs include From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship (2008) and (with Pak-sang Lai) Re-Shaping Education for Citizenship: Democratic National Citizenship in Hong Kong (2012) and he has edited Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (2004). He has been Adviser to the Council of Europe Language Policy Division and, with Lynne Parmenter, edited The Common European Framework of Reference: The Globalisation of Language Education Policy (2012). He is now involved in the CoE's work on Competence for Democratic Culture. 



1. 帮助学员了解跨文化语言教学的最新发展动向

2. 帮助学员理解 “跨文化公民教育” 的概念

3. 帮助学员掌握 “文化” 语言教学到 “跨文化” 语言教学的转变,以及 “跨文化” 语言教学到 “跨文化公民教育”的转变



1. 高校外语教师

2. 高校外语专业学生

3. 对跨文化教学与研究感兴趣的学习者



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