本课程基于2017年5月16日下午Rod Ellis 教授的在线直播课录制而成,课程内容与当天直播内容相同,供当天没有参与直播以及其他对语言教学与二语习得研究感兴趣的教师和研究者在线学习。
纠正性反馈(corrective feedback)是二语习得与教学法领域的一个重要概念。随着近年来国内外语界的专家学者及一线教师对外语教学认知的不断深入,我们的外语课堂正悄然发生着变革,以往以教师传授为主的传统课堂正在向以能力为导向的互动式体验学习转变。课堂上,教师多采用启发式、互动式等灵活多样的教学模式,在培养语言技能的同时也注重学生思辨能力、交际能力的提高。那么,作为语言学习过程中重要的互动方式之一,教师应该如何利用纠正性反馈来帮助学生达到最佳学习效果?在促进二语习得方面纠正性反馈的使用有哪些策略?
课程中,Rod Ellis 教授从教学法以及二语习得两个不同角度对纠正性反馈的重要性以及重点问题进行深入分析,从WHETHER、WHEN、WHICH、HOW、WHO几个维度,辅以大量的研究例证,探讨如何在一线外语课堂教学中有效使用纠正性反馈来提升学生的语言学习效果。
Rod Ellis
Rod Ellis is currently a Research Professor in the School of Education, Curtin University in Perth Australia. He is also a professor at Anaheim University, a visiting professor at Shanghai International Studies University and an Emeritus Professor of the University of Auckland. He has recently been elected as a fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand. His published work includes articles and books on second language acquisition, language teaching and teacher education. His latest book is Becoming and Being an Applied Linguist (John Benjamins). Other recent publications include are Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy in 2012, (Wiley-Blackwell), (with Natsuko Shintani) Exploring Language Pedagogy and Second Language Acquisition Research in 2014 (Routledge) and Understanding Second Language Acquisition 2ndEdition in 2015 (Oxford University Press). He has also published several English language textbooks, including Impact Grammar (Pearson: Longman). He has held university positions in six different countries and has also conducted numerous consultancies and seminars throughout the world.
1. 帮助高校外语教师以及学习者深入了解纠正性反馈的重要性以及相关核心问题。
2. 帮助高校外语教师从教学法和二语习得两个角度探索纠正性反馈的使用策略,提升教学效果
1. 外语教师,尤其是在一线课堂经常使用纠正性反馈手段的教师
2. 对纠正性反馈研究感兴趣的专家、学者
3. 外语学习者,正确了解纠正性反馈的作用可以提高其语言学习效果