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What is language teacher identity?

What theories or models account for LTI?

What research has been conducted in this area and what are future possibilities?


how do you describe yourself as a teacher?

why do you think of yourself in that way?

what might be a good metaphor representing you as a teacher?

How do others view you as a teacher? (students, colleagues, parents, etc.)

How and why has your identity(self -perception) as an English teacher changed over time?

What dilemmas or challenges do you still face as a teacher?

How might people observing you teach notice aspect of your identity in action? ( the register and variety of English used; code-switching; stance-taking, choice of activities, materials, humour; tone and type of feedback...)

How does your identity change depending on your circumstances or lesson?

What factors have influenced your identity, development, and performance?

what your own goals for future professional development or for helping to mentor other newer teachers? what is your "ideal self" or desired vision of yourself as a teacher?

what kind of teacher (and professional) do you want to become?

 Identity is" the way a person understands his or her relationship to the world, how that relationship is structured across time and space, and how the person understands possibilities for the future."(Norton, 2013, p.4)

Teacher Identity: "understanding who I am is relational, constructed and altered by how I see others and how they see me in our shared experiences and negotiated interactions." (K Johnson, 2003, P. 788)

"Education in its deepest sense and at whatever age it takes place, concerns the opening up of identities---exploring new ways of being that lie beyond our current state. ...Education is not merely formative---it is transformative. ... Issues of education should be addressed first and foremost in terms of identities and modes of belonging and only secondarily in terms of skills and information".(Wenger,1998, p.263, cited in Clarke, 2008, p.8)

How and why teachers' beliefs, practices, performance evolve and how we feel, as teachers as a result.

Issues of structure and agency in relation to identity.

Insights into how to improve retention, mentoring and ongoing professional development; focus on the overall well-being of teachers.

Better understanding of non-native teachers who study in TESL graduate programs where their English teaching expertise and competence may not meet their own or other's expectations, undermining confidence.

Induction: initial stage

Socialization: active shaping (by various actors/agents, incl. parents students) of beliefs, values, dispositions, practices, identities, ...Throughout life as a student, pre-service, in-service, throughout the career

Development: growing expertise, agency in teaching, knowledge(declarative) base and procedural knowledge, praxis

Teacher professional identities: "stories to live by" 

Identity as English Language Teacher?








gardener is used to  describe teacher, but hard to describe a language teacher in the Chinese context
