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学习有效期 210 天(随到随学)


write in your own words




Picked from How we think

by John Dewey



原文:1.Everything the teacher does, as well as the manner in which he does it, incites the child to respond in some way or other, and each response tends to set the child's attitude in some way or other. Even the inattention of the child to the adult is often a mode of response which is the result of unconscious training.


参考答案要点:1.Whatever the teacher does functions as a stimulus to elicit a response on the part of the students.

The way the teacher behaves also triggers off a reaction from the students.

Even the seemingly no-response on the part of the students is an indication of a kind of reaction.



参考答案要点:2. There are at least two potential dangers posed by the influence of the teacher's own personality or mental habit if not carefully watched.

As young students are unable to distinguish between the act of the teacher and the subject the teacher is involved in, they tend to take the act of the teacher for the subject. Consequently their understanding of a subject is largely influenced by the teacher's personality, so they do not really care about the value of the subject per se. (?)

In tandem with the first danger, the student's attention is often drawn to what answer will satisfy the teacher instead of the real truth. Thus, the student's obsession with "getting the answer" leads to their ultimate failure in independent thinking.




参考答案要点:3. para1

In my opinion, there is an implicit assumption behind the writing that the purpose of education is to build the learner's genuine interest in the subject and promote their independent thinking oriented to the problems of the subject. This I share with author absolutely. However, I should be more optimistic regarding the teacher's personal influence, if carefully used, will help build the young learner's intimacy and set their thinking oriented to the subject.

para2 expand my argument by giving my personal story as an example.

para3 conclusion


12题的答案都在文章里面  但不能照抄 

不求全面 找到一两个相关 有话可说的点即可   自由发挥的空间大   必须用自己的话解答




Writing a response essay反思性写作





What do you think aboouit the teacher's influence as Dewey depicts in the passage?


Para 1 

In my opinion, there is an implicit assumption behind the writiong that the purpose of education is to build the learner's genuine interest in the subject and promote their independent thinking oriented to the problems of the subject.  This I share with the author absolutely. However, I should be more optimistic regarding the teacher\s personal influence。 My own personal story in the past tends to make me believe the teacher's personal influencw, if carefully used, will help build the young learner's intimacy and set their thinking oriented to the subject.

Para 2 Expand my argument by giving my personal story as an example. (抓住1-2点来加以阐述)

Parg 3 Conclusion

