托福®教师官方培训课程(Teaching Academic English with the TOEFL iBT® Test),简称TAE,由托福考试主办方美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,以下简称ETS)与外研社Unipus联合推出,是专门为中国外语教师全新设计的托福教师官方培训项目,双方进行深度合作,在全国范围内联合招生,进行授课。
John M. Norris
John M. Norris is Senior Research Director of the Center for Language Education and Assessment Research at ETS. He is a long-time language teacher, researcher, and teacher educator with a particular focus on task-based language teaching.
Renka Ohta
Renka Ohta received her PhD in Foreign Language and ESL Education from the University of Iowa in 2018. She also holds a Master’s in Foreign and Second Language Education from Ohio State University and a BA in English and American Language and Literature from Oberlin University, Tokyo. Prior to her graduate studies, Renka taught English at the high school level in Japan, and she has also taught English and Japanese in the US. Most recently, she has been engaged in English language teacher development and related research at the University of Iowa. Renka’s areas of expertise include a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, language testing, writing assessment, and teacher development.
Larry Davis
Larry Davis is a Research Scientist in the Center for Language Education and Assessment Research at ETS. He taught English in China for several years, and currently carries out research and development of new types of assessments, particularly for speaking.
Jeremy Lee
Jeremy Lee is a Research Associate of the Center for Language Education and Assessment Research at ETS. Prior to his arrival at ETS in 2017, he was an English language teacher for 6 years with experience teaching both young learners and adults in foreign and domestic contexts.
广东外语外贸大学教授,硕士研究生导师,美国洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学(UCLA)应用语言学博士。主要研究方向为语言测试、语言教育、教育测量。学术论文散见于Language Testing,Language Assessment Quarterly,Frontiers in Psychology, The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,《现代外语》,《中国教育报》等,主持国家社科基金和教育部科研项目各一项。近年来担任硕士研究生的语言测试、教育测量、统计学等课程和本科生的英语听力技巧、学术听力等课程的教学。
广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院副教授、博士、硕士生导师,广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心兼职研究员、中国英汉语比较研究会语言测试与评价专业委员会首届理事会成员、美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)托福官方培训师。主要研究方向为语言测评、二语写作。在Assessing Writing和Assessement & Evaluation in Higher Education等教育类SSCI索引期刊以独立/第一作者身份发表论文,同时担任上述期刊及Studies in Educational Evaluation,System,Language Awareness等期刊审稿人。参与或主持多项科研及教研项目,并多次获评“广东外语外贸大学教学优秀奖”及“广东外语外贸大学科研优秀奖”等奖项。致力于将学术研究成果服务于语言教学及测评实践,多次为一线教师讲授托福等大规模英语测试的理念、研发背景和促学效应。
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1. 通过国内外一线课堂教学实例展示,帮助教师全面提升托福学术英语教学专业能力,增强自身竞争力。
2. 专家以自身团队教学经验为例,传授一线学术英语教学技巧,帮助教师深刻理解托福考试的本质,充分掌握托福教学原则与教学方法,为学生提供全方位的支持。
3. 帮助院校开设托福课程,完善学科体系,全面提升学生的学术英语能力,培养更多与国际接轨的复合型人才。