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In this lecture, Professor Cumming will define the idea of “expertise” and then describe its potential for students and teachers involved in writing in such languages as English.  

Most education aims simply to develop competence in second-language writing through relevant declarative, procedural, and tacit knowledge. That is important. But a focus on expertise promotes additional abilities, processes, and motivating conditions: self-regulation and flexibility, intentionality to maximize learning opportunities, pattern recognition of promisingness for long-term goals, satisfaction and excitement in performance and accomplishment, collaboration with others, and subcultures that learn from, contribute to, and recognize the value of others. Professor Cumming will recommend ways in which these aspects of expertise can be fostered in students and in teachers of second-language writing. 



Professor Alister Cumming is the former Head of the Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, University of Toronto and is currently a Changjiang Scholar at Beijing Foreign Studies University. He was editor and then Executive Director of Language Learning and the Chair of ETS’ TOEFL Committee of Examiners through the 1990s and 2000s. His research and courses focus on the learning, teaching, and assessment of writing in English as a second/foreign language, the evaluation of programs and curricula for second language education and immigrant settlement, and the development of assessment instruments and procedures in academic, professional and settlement contexts. Professor Cumming has written and published numerous books and articles on second-language education, language assessment, literacy, and international education policy. Professor Cumming’s recent books are Agendas for Language Learning Research (with Lourdes Ortega and Nick Ellis, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), Adolescent Literacies in a Multicultural Context (Routledge, 2012), A Synthesis of Research on Second Language Writing in English (with Ilona Leki and Tony Silva, Routledge, 2008), and Goals for Academic Writing (John Benjamins, 2006).



Bereiter, C. & Scardamalia, M. (1993). Surpassing ourselves: An inquiry into the nature and implications of expertise. Chicago: Open Court.

Deane, P. (2011). Writing assessment and cognition. ETS Research Report 11-14. Princeton, NJ: ETS.

Hyland, Ken. Teaching and Researching Writing (Third Edition). New York: Routledge, 2016. 



1. 系统性:二语写作研究与测试领域知名专家授课,课程既有系统的理念讲解,又有详细的案例分析和方法阐释。

2. 前瞻性: 传统教学实践注重对写作能力的培养,但随着二语写作研究的复杂化和多样化,二语写作专业化能力的培养受到越来越多的重视。本次课程能帮助大家及时了解当前二语写作教学与研究的最新发展趋势和研究动向。

3. 实用性:详细介绍二语写作专业化能力的具体培养方法和技巧,帮助教师及时将这些方法和技巧运用到自己的教学实践中,进而改进教学方法,提升教学效果。 



1. 帮助学员掌握 “expertise”(专业化能力)的内涵,以及二语写作专业化能力的具体培养方法和技巧

2. 帮助学员将二语写作专业化能力的培养方法和技巧运用到自己的教学实践中,进而改进教学方法,提升教学效果

3. 帮助学员及时了解当前二语写作教学与研究的最新发展趋势和研究动向



1. 外语教师,尤其是教授英语写作的高校外语教师

2. 对英语写作教学与研究感兴趣的教师、研究者及学生

3. 指导学生参加写作大赛备赛的指导老师



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