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学习有效期 截止:2024-11-13 (随到随学)
该课程属于 四川外国语大学教师发展智慧研修空间 请加入后再学习


本课程基于2017年6月23日Patricia Duff教授与一线教师的在线直播课录制而成,课程内容与直播内容相同,供当天没有参与直播以及其他对“英语教师身份认同:理念与研究”感兴趣的教师和研究者在线学习。



The topic of identity in English language education has received considerable international attention over the past 25 years, especially in relation to language learners. The journal Language, Identity and Education, for example, is devoted to the subject of identity in (language) education, and many other important journals regularly feature research and special issues on this topic (e.g., TESOL Quarterly, Modern Language Journal). A growing number of books also focus on language teacher identity. Recently, the topic of language teachers’ identities has generated a great deal of research and discussion: how teachers’ identities develop and evolve over their careers (e.g., through reflection, mentoring, critical incidents, ongoing professional development, and other means), and how identity relates to teachers’ cognition, practices, emotions, motivation, and, ultimately, attainment of greater expertise.

This lecture will define language teacher identity, explain why it is an important topic in English language education, and then discuss how identity is currently being theorized. The lecture will also present examples of recent research, noting research methods typically used, and share insights arising from this work. Prof. Duff will conclude with implications for teacher education and future research.



Dr. Patricia Duff is Professor, Distinguished University Scholar, and Deputy Head in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia. Prof. Duff's main scholarly interests are related to social, cultural, and linguistic aspects of language learning across bilingual and multilingual settings; academic discourse socialization; qualitative research methods in applied linguistics; issues in the teaching, learning, and use of English, Mandarin, and other international languages in transnational contexts, as well as heritage/indigenous languages in Canada and other countries; the integration of second-language learners in schools, universities, and society;  multilingualism and work.

Prof. Duff's  books include: 

1. Teaching and Learning English Grammar: Research Findings and Future Directions (co-edited with M. Christison, D. Christian, & N. Spada, Routledge, 2015); 

2. Learning Chinese: Linguistic, Sociocultural, and Narrative Perspectives (with co-investigators/authors Anderson, Ilnyckyj, Lester, Wang, & Yates; De Gruyter, 2013);

3. Language Socialization (in the 10-volume series, Encyclopedia of Language and Education, co-edited with N. Hornberger, Springer, 2008, and co-edited in the 3rd edition with S. May in 2017);

4. Case Study Research in Applied Linguistics (Lawrence Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis, 2008; and Chinese version in 2010 published by Beijing’s FLTRP);

5. Inference and Generalizability in Applied Linguistics (co-edited with M. Chalhoub-Deville & C. Chapelle; John Benjamins, 2006).

She has also co-edited two special issues of the Canadian Modern Language Review and produced a volume entitled Issues in Chinese Language Education and Teacher Development (with P. Lester, 2008, UBC). Her articles and chapters have also appeared in many top journals and books in applied linguistics and second language education. In 2017, she was awarded the American Association for Applied Linguistics Distinguished Scholarship and Service Award. Her research has been supported by many major grants/fellowships from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Spencer Foundation/USA National Academy of Education, and the UBC Hampton Fund.








1. 帮助学习者系统掌握英语教师身份认同相关理论及国内外研究现状

2. 帮助学习者聚焦身份认同研究热点,掌握开展研究的具体方法

3. 帮助学习者提高自身身份认同感,更好地规划职业发展



1. 高校英语教师

2. 英语教师身份认同研究者

3. 对英语教学或教师身份认同感兴趣的其他广大学者





1. Barkhuizen, G. (Ed.). (2017). Reflections on language teacher identity research. London: UK: Routledge. 

2. Cheung, Y.L., Ben Said, S.., & Park, K. (Eds.). (2015). Advances and current trends in language teacher identity research. London: Routledge.

3. De Costa, P., & Norton, B. (Eds.). (2017). Transdisciplinarity and language teacher identity. Supplement [special issue], Modern Language Journal, 101 (S1), 1-100.

4. Duff, P. (2017). Language teachers' identities and socialization. In G. Barkhuizen (Ed.), Reflections on language teacher identity research (pp. 170-175). London: UK: Routledge. 

5. Duff, P., & Uchida, Y. (1997). The negotiation of teachers’ sociocultural identities and practices in postsecondary EFL classrooms. TESOL Quarterly, 31, 451-486.

6. Kubanyiova, M., & Feryok, A. (Eds.). (2015). [Special Issue]. Language teacher cognition in applied linguistics research: Revisiting the territory, redrawing the boundaries, reclaiming the relevance. Modern Language Journal, 99(3).

7. Tsui, A. (2007). Complexity of identity formation: A narrative inquiry of an EFL teacher. TESOL Quarterly, 41, 657-680.

8. Varghese, M., Morgan, B., Johnston, B., & Johnson, K. (2005). Theorizing language teacher identity: Three perspectives and beyond. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 41(1), 21-44.

9. Varghese, M., Motha, S., Park, G., Reeves, G., & Trent, J. (Eds.). (2016). Language teacher identity in (multi)lingual educational contexts. [Special issue]. TESOL Quarterly, 50(3).




the University of British Columbia


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