
学时 2.0
学时 2.0
学习有效期 截止:2024-11-13 (随到随学)
该课程属于 四川外国语大学教师发展智慧研修空间 请加入后再学习


本课程基于2017年5月11日 Icy Lee 教授的在线直播课录制而成,课程内容与直播内容相同,供当天没有参与直播以及其他对“外语写作教学中的动机策略”感兴趣的教师和研究者在线学习。



Writing is one of the most difficult language skills for EFL students to learn and master. In EFL writing classrooms, students can easily lose motivation if the learning environment is not supportive, teaching not effective, and assessment not conducive to learning. Recent research conducted in Hong Kong has pointed to a low level of writing motivation among secondary students, and that their writing efficacy tends to decline as they progress from junior to senior secondary (Lee et al., in press). Given this, it is likely that students enter university without a strong motivation to write and to learn writing. Academic writing, however, is a core element of undergraduate and postgraduate education. In order for effective learning to take place in university writing classes, motivation-sensitive methodology is crucial. In this presentation, Professor Icy Lee will explore what motivational strategies EFL university writing teachers can use to maximize the effectiveness of student learning in the writing classroom. Specifically, she will focus on students' writing environment/experience as well as teachers’ instructional and assessment techniques, and discuss how these can be enhanced to boost student motivation for writing.



        Icy Lee 

Professor and Chair at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction of the Faculty of Education, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Research areas include second language writing, error correction and feedback in writing, classroom writing assessment, and second language teacher education. She has published extensively on these areas in top journals and edited collections,and has served on the editorial boards of ELT Journal, TESOL Quarterly, Journal of Second Language Writing, Assessing Writing, and TESL Canada Journal. Currently, she is Co-editor of the Journal of Second Language Writing and Senior Associate Editor of The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher.






1.  视角独特:从教学心理学中学习动机的角度切入,探索学生写作困难的诱因,并提出解决方案,体现以学生为主体的全人教育理念。

2.  实用性:针对外语教学的薄弱环节——写作进行教学方法介绍,展示的教学方法清晰、易懂、实用,有借鉴价值。



1. 外语教育领域的教师,包括:高校及基础教育阶段外语教师、培训机构外语教师等。

2. 外语专业高年级本科生及研究生。

3. 对外语教学,尤其是写作教学感兴趣的人群。







The Chinese University of Hong Kong


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