
School-Based Narrative Research and Canadian Global Education

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学时 3.0
学习有效期 截止:2024-11-13 (随到随学)
该课程属于 四川外国语大学教师发展智慧研修空间 请加入后再学习


本课程基于2018年5月26Michael Connelly,Gerry Connelly和Shijing Xu教授的在线直播课录制而成,课程内容与直播内容相同,供当天没有参与直播以及其他对跨文化视角下的校本叙事研究与加拿大国际教育现状”感兴趣的教师和研究者在线学习。



课程邀请叙事研究领域权威专家Michael Connelly,Gerry Connelly和Shijing Xu教授共同主讲,以加拿大和中国两国不同的文化为出发点,在跨文化视角下结合多年来基于学校的深度扎根体验和访谈,带领大家体会叙事研究魅力,讲解叙事研究的方法,并探讨加拿大的国际教育现状以及如何搭建东西方互惠学习(reciprocal learning)的桥梁,对广大外语一线教师开展相关研究有重要的指导作用。



Professor Michael Connelly

F. Michael Connelly is Professor Emeritus at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of University of Toronto (OISE/UT), long time Editor of Curriculum Inquiry, former Chair of Curriculum, and founding Director of the OISE/UT Center for Teacher Development. He has written on science education, curriculum studies, teacher education, multiculturalism and narrative inquiry. He is the Project Co-Director of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant Project, entitled “Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education”, a 7-year partnership among Canadian and Chinese universities and schools. He has worked internationally in human resource development, curriculum, teacher education, and community schools in Jordan, Egypt, Hong Kong, West Indies, and China.


Professor Gerry Connelly

Professor Gerry Connelly is Adjunct professor at York University, Co-Director of the Canadian Sustainability and Education Academy and Director of Policy and Research for The Learning Partnership. She is the former Director of Education of the Toronto District School Board, and Director of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Branch, in the Ontario Ministry of Education.

Gerry is the recipient of many awards including the Distinguished Educator Award from OISE/University of Toronto, the Government of Ontario Teacher Dedication Award by the Royal Conservatory of Music. Several other awards have acknowledged her commitment to equity, and community engagement. These include the City of Toronto Bob Marley Award, the Fraser Mustard Award and the University of Toronto Arbor Award.  She is the recipient of the Science Teacher of the Year Award and a Lifetime Achievement Award as a leader in Science.


Professor Shijing Xu

Dr. Shijing Xu is Canada Research Chair in International and Intercultural Reciprocal Learning in Education at the University of Windsor and tenured Full Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Windsor, Canada. Dr. Xu is Adjunct Professor of Southwest University International and Comparative Education Research Institute (since 2011), affiliated research associate of China National Research Center for Foreign Language Education (since 2007). Her research interests focus on narrative approaches to intergenerational, bilingual and multicultural educational issues and school-family-community connections in cross-cultural curriculum studies and teacher education. Her current research is on the reciprocal learning between the East and the West in education.








1. 高校外语教师,尤其是对质性研究和叙事研究感兴趣的教师

2. 对跨文化研究感兴趣的学者或教师

3. 应用语言学方向硕士及博士研究生







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