本课程基于2018年6月14日Michael Byram教授的在线直播课录制而成,课程内容与直播内容相同,供当天没有参与直播以及其他对“英语语言教学与人类命运共同体构建”感兴趣的教师和研究者在线学习。
为帮助广大教师深入理解英语语言教学与构建人类命运共同体的关系,继而在教学中创设基于跨文化交际语境的学科学习活动,提升学生的学科核心素养,Unipus教师发展特邀英国杜伦大学Michael Byram教授,就如何在英语语言教学中树立人类命运共同体意识,通过语言教学提高学生的跨文化交际能力等话题展开详细阐释。
Michael Byram is Professor Emeritus at Durham University (UK) and Guest Professor at University of Luxembourg. He is also Visiting Professor at Beijing Language and Culture University and Consultant Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology. He "read" Languages at King's College, Cambridge (UK), completed a PhD in Danish literature, and taught French and German in secondary education. At Durham since 1980, he has been engaged in teacher training and research on languages and education. His monographs include From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship (2008) and (with Pak-sang Lai) Re-Shaping Education for Citizenship: Democratic National Citizenship in Hong Kong (2012) and he has edited Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (2004). He has been Adviser to the Council of Europe Language Policy Division and, with Lynne Parmenter, edited The Common European Framework of Reference: The Globalisation of Language Education Policy (2012). He is now involved in the CoE's "Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture".
1. 帮助学员了解跨文化语言教学的最新发展动向
2. 帮助学员理解英语语言教学与人类命运共同体构建的关系
1. 高校外语教师
2. 高校外语专业学生
3. 对跨文化教学与研究感兴趣的学习者