
价格 ¥129.00
学时 1.0
学时 1.0
学习有效期 90 天(随到随学)
会员免费学 购买课程

advantages: big data, assessment

massive online

grazers for fun 

strivers for professional reasons

systemetically complete the MOOC course

youngers are less likely to compplete

controlled comparative designs

pre- and post-course surveys

pre- and post-course knowledge test

online completion is almost the same with face-to-face environment; as well as the knowledge amount


keep students engaged

Q1 how can we teach and assess English writing in MOOCs?

A1 activities approaches used before; quality of the wriitng; offer a pretest, in groups to do some evaluation; machine

Q2 how can we obtain the data to conduct research on MOOCs?

A2 professor baseline equipment; university; company platforms; cousera offer; never walk into the classroom and ask students directly.


Q3 how do we evaluate the effectiveness of the MOOCs? what are some of the important factors we should look at?

A3 data collection; proficientcy or other things to eveluate, to understand the reason why people take the course. retake the quiz. major construction.


A4 recommend teachers to record more individual videos. but keep good quality of audio and video. make sure the recourse is free to use if you want to borrow things from others.


A5 step back from detailed infrmation, focus on big ideas, which shows what you are going to do with the detailed. focus on the concept.


