
价格 ¥199.00
学时 2.0
学时 2.0
学习有效期 180 天(随到随学)
会员免费学 购买课程


1.relatively permanent

2. reinforcoed practice

3. a change of behavior


Definition of learning and teaching:

Learning—to aquire/ get sth.

Teaching—to help others get sth.

Traditional orientation and Contextualized one:

Popular ideas about L. learning:

Academic language proficiency=Cognitive Academic L. Proficiency, which needs help and guidance

Characteristics of a good L. learner:

L. as a medium of learning= learn L. ,through L., about L.

L. is a tool for communication.



what is language?

learning and teaching

 a good language learner

language as a medium of learning: language, thinking, content, culture


How do you think teachers develop their ideas about teaching?

What sources do you think shape their beliefs and practices?

What do you think is the role of research in improving our understanding of teaching?

Teacher's understanding 




What is language?

Langrage operates in a speech community or culture.

Language is essentially human, although possibly not limited to humans.

Language is acquired by all people in much the same way; language and language learning both have universal characteristics.

Your understanging of the components of language determines to a large extent how you teach a languae.

Learning and teaching 

Learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.

Teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.

Learning is acquisition or getting

Learning is retention of information or skill.

Retention implies storage systems,memory,cognitive organization.

Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events outside or inside the organism.

