教学反思——北京外国语学院 张虹
scholars (e.g. Farrell,2013) have argued for the importantce of equippin teachers with strong relective awareness and abilities in their professional learning and identity building.
howeverm teaachers are likely to encounter challenges with regard t what, when and how to reflect, which may widen the theory-practice gap and impede their contunuing professional growth (Harford, MacRuairc, & McCartan, 2010)
1. reflective thought (Dewey, 1933)
2. reflective practice/ reflection
3. reflective teaching: the product of reflective thinking (Kumaravadivelu, 1994); is a process expanding and deepening the range of the questions and teacher asks about teachering practce through adoping an organzied adn systematic approach, and collaborating with other teacher colleagues having the same questions (i.e. seeking collegial suooprt) (RObertson & Yiamouyiannis, 1996) 独自反思、合作性反思
4. reflective language reaching (Farrell, 2007)
在此过程中,教师有意识地、系统地、基于证据的(evidence-based, dada-based)思考教学
1. 孔子:学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆
2. Dewey (1933): defined "reflective thought" as action based on "the active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusions to which it tends" (p.9)
Dewey believed that relection is a practice by means of which one can replace personal, impulsive actions with rational, scientifically approved alternatives.
3. Schon (1983) 对反思进行两种分类
The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals Think in Action
advanced two types of reflection:
relection-on-action (关于行动的反思): "we reflect on action, thinking back on what we have done in order to discover how our knowing-in-action may have contributed to an unexpected outcone"(p.26) that is, ivia reflection-on-action, the practitioner thinks about his/her previous teaching experiences and evaluates them to see f there is any opportunity or alternative to teach similar or better outcomes in the future, thus is retropsective in nature. 对过去的教学进行反思
reflection-in-action: refers to the making of desisions guided by tacit knowledge taht occurs in the midest of acting, which may result in modificatin to the action while it is in progress. 对当下的教学情况的处理
3。 Van Manen (1991): refkection-for-action: reflection before action or anticipatory reflection. 预期性的反思/课前反思:教学设计的优缺点,预期的困难、重难点/评估这个教学方法是否适合学生/提高教学实践
examing a lesson plan before implementing it in the classroom is a good example.
reflective practitioner can indentify their strngthes and weaknesses; evaluate the stratetiesor techniques they utilize in their classroos; enhance their teaching practices by overcoming anticipated problems or situations.
4. Michael J. Wallace (1991)
made relective teaching popular in the language teacher education setting. 提出促进外语教师教学领域的一途径
(1)the craft model手工艺模式(类似师徒制)
(2)the applied science model应用性模式
(3)the reflective model 反思性模式
5. Thomas S.C. Farrell (2012)
metaphor of reflection as a compass
reflective practice "enables teachers to stop, look, and discover where they are at that moment and then decide where they want to go (professionally) in the future" (p.7)
1. 经验引介和理论思辨性文章(甘正东,2000; 高翔、王蔷,2003; 任庆梅,2006等。)
2. 针对高校教师群体的实证研究论文逐渐涌现。
反思现状调查(Xu,李& Curtus, 2015; 孟春国,2011; 徐锦芬、李斑斑,2012; 颜奕、罗少茜,2014);
国内以量化取向的问卷点差为主。研究存在的问题: 调查结果多体现的是教师的宣称理念和实践,而无法反映具体教学情境中 绞死真实的反思现状。现有研究缺乏对教师深入、多维的研究。
国外研究:以质性研究为主或混合研究(the overwhelming majority of published studies evalutation teacher reflection within the ELT context have adopted a qualitative research orientation.)
1.pre-service teachers (e.g. Lee, 2007; Yuan& Mak, 2018) 职前教师群体
2. in-service teachers (e.g. Moradkhani, Raygan, &Moein, 2017)
3. Novice teachers (Farrell, 2016) 新手教师
4.Collaborative reflective practice (e.g. Yuan &Mak, 2018):Shulman(1998) and Zeichner and Liston (1996) argue that refkection is most effective when conducted collaboratively in a community of practitioners. 合作性反思实践
5.reflective practice through independent tasks (e.g., Farrell, 2011) 写日志、写反思
relective teaching in ELT (examples)
1. Abedniam Hovassapian, Teimournezhad,and Ghanbari (2013) tried to dsicover six teachers' ideas anout the advantages and challenges of keeping reflective journals during a Teaching Methodology course. in the focus group discussions held at end of the course, participants reported that reflective journals helped them gain self-awareness about their beliefs and kknowledge, ....
2. Farell (2016) demonstrated that novice English teacher
3. Lee (2007) : 对职前教师,通过反思性日志和对话来提高。。
4. Moradkhani, Raygan &Moein (2017): the influence of reflective practice on improving teaching quality.
reflection serves as...
1.a powerful impetus and desired outcones of teacher learning (e.g. Farrell 2015)
2."a core activity for all teachers--- pre-service and in-service, in schools and universities" (Walkinton, 2005, p.59).
3. through their critical reflections, teachers can examin their past...
Reflective teaching ebables language teachers to...
1. raise questions about the language teaching cliches and routines, and promote more informed practices (Crandall, 2000);
2. Develop a deeper understanding of teaching (Farrell, 2007)
3. avoid replicating "ineffective teaching strategies" (Braun & Crumpler, 2004, p.61) 规避无效教学策略。教师倦怠
reflective thinking enbales language learners to ...
1. understand themselves (Fendler, 2003)
2. think, and solve educational problems (Phan, 2009)
如何反思?:the goal, content, process , tool, levles/stages
the untimate goal of relection is producing actions for enhanced student learning, better education, and a mroe just society for all students.
the content of reflection includes established assumptions of oneself, shcools and universities, and the society about teaching and learning, and the social and politcal implications of education.
the processes of reflection include constant analyzing, questioning and critiquing the established assumpations and implementing changes to previous actions that had been supported by those establised assumptions. (Liu, 2015)
10 Tools/ appraoches
1. conducting small scale classroom research (e.g. action research)
2. attending conferences
3. reading relevant journal papers and books
4. reaching journals/ diaries
5. electronic portfolios (ePortolios) (Racco, 2010; Liu, 2017) 电子档案夹
6. discussion groups (in the form of teaching group teams or post observation conferences)
7. critical colleagues 批判性同事
8. collecting information about students and receiving feedback from students
9. self and peer classroom observation
10. careful examination of lesson plans, and classroom video analyisis (Farrel.)自我录像等
stages/ Levels
(Van Manen, 1977; Zeichener &Liston, 1987; 王蔷、张虹,2014)
第一层次反思:technical (technical rationality):教育知识、教学方法、课程原则、技术等运用效果。(低级的,对技术理性的反思)
第二层次反思:situational and institutional (practical action): 强调教师参与:教师对教学行为所导致的教育后果进行评估;对学生和教师的行为进行分析;关注教学情境对于教学的意义(实践性行动反思,)
第三层次反思:moral and ethical (ciritcal reflection): 学校功能、教育的意义/本质,教师的作用、教师ihe学生的全面发展。
e.g. 为什么语言与思辨或者跨文化交际能力同时发展?
内容:lesson one Salvation
“对行动的反思将促进对新的意义的建构——Davydd, J, Greenwood, & ?Morten Levin, 1998:76”
1. 对反思教学的理解,停留在“”经验总结
2. 反思内容:受限于课堂教学与学生学习,对自生专业发展和教育环境的反思还有待加强。教师可以通过阅读、同伴互助、专业引领等方式拓展自身的反思广度。(孟春国,2011; 颜奕、罗少茜,2014)
3. 反思层次:以实践性为主,技术性层次的反思也占了一定比例,但批判性层次的反思还有较大提升空间。反思个层次并无优劣之分,需要根据教师的不同发展阶段进行适当的协助和引导,达到反思各层次的平很及融会贯通。(孟春国,2011;颜奕,罗少茜,2014)
4. 反思过程:以被动地应对问题为主,缺少问题意识。多数教师i能够对问题进行细致描述,厘清个人理论,并建构新的理论,仅少数教师在行动中检验了新理论。反思应是i一个有计划、有基础的系统探究过程,而非泛泛经验总结和有感而发。目前高效外语教师对问题的敏感度有有待提升,其有的放矢、发现问题的能力亟待养成。
5. 反思方式:和同事一起谈一谈 最多
How do we think?---Dewey 在该书中提出
1. disposition:
there are three prerequisite attitudes that must be present for a person to become reflective: open-mindedness, responsobility, and whole-heartedness. (Dewey, 1933)
2,. evidence-based/ data-baed
3. levels of reflection 提高层次
4. mentor-mentee connections
5. observe class and feedback
6. in-service development
7. collect info from ss.
1. GPS (Gains-Probems-Suggestions)
2. TPE (Think-Puzzzle- Explore)
step 1. What do you THINK you know?
Step2. Waht PUZZLES you about this topic?
step 3. How can we EXPOLRE these puzzles?
3. 也可以从其他框架来反思。(比如前面提到的从技术层面、实践层面以及道德和伦理层面面进行反思)摸索反思模板,改进教学,促进专业发展,提升职业幸福感。
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