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会员免费学 购买课程

Clarifying concepts, Examples, Self-assessmen

The power of assessment: 'washback effect' and 'teaching to the test'; but assessment is more than testing.

Concept 1--Evaluation: Evaluation of teaching-and-learning=process: 1. Is the process coherent: 'Are you teaching what you say you want to teach?'; Is the process successful?  'Are your learners learning what you (and they) want them to leanr?'; Are your methods working?; How can the above anseres improve the process?

Concept2--Assessment: Assessment of learning and learners=products: Have the learners learnt what they have been taught (achievemnt)?know that.about and know how; What have the laerners learnt from anywhere --home, school, friends, internet, etc (proficiency)? 从过程和结果来测评的角度划分的很清晰
