
价格 ¥499.00
学时 7.0
学时 7.0
学习有效期 180 天(随到随学)
会员免费学 购买课程

本节课程收获与思考如下:The development of intercultural comperence should be incorporated in the objectives of all courses when possible. 跨文化教材系列的编辑的主旨、目的和逻辑。goal:to help students move from independant users B1, B2 to proficient users C1, C2. Objectives for each unit: language and communication skill, critical thinking skills, intercultural competence (communication in intercultural contexts, reflecting on and analyzing cultural differences in human communication, presenting and analyzing issues in mother tongue culture)目标背后反映的难题难点在哪?definition of cultures (generation gaps), debate is a kind of intercultural communication.

from understanding to practicing

课程设计要有交际需求:information, opinion, reasoning gap. 高考letter writing。 教材改编。演讲考虑到观众来设计。How to avoid of being too cliche?教材设计很生动,但是可能针对的target froup年龄较小,语言水平初级但年龄较大的人群未必能被吸引。
