
价格 ¥499.00
学时 7.0
学时 7.0
学习有效期 180 天(随到随学)
会员免费学 购买课程

课堂的心得和思考整理如下:inevitable globalization, therefore, one need to learn to survive in the world. components of intercultural competence: knowledge, skills, disposition(性格,性情,倾向).常常忽略少数人。skills: communicative competence (linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse competence), skills of interpreting and relating, skills of discovering and interacting, critical cultural awareness, skills of talking about home culture in L2. 用understandable语言和方式谈论自己的文化(申奥)。争议:English as lingua franca:理解应该是双向的,而不能仅仅满足英语为母语者的需求。Disposition: openness, curiosity about other cultures, tolerance for ambiguity, respect for otherness, behavioral flexibility, empathy. 不要一昧judge


importance of IC

  (survival skill, university program, dual tasks)

components of IC competence

   (knowlege, skills, disposition)

