
价格 ¥499.00
学时 7.0
学时 7.0
学习有效期 180 天(随到随学)
会员免费学 购买课程


where we are going = a model of intercultural communicative teaching

language is not enough

culture is a verb.

culture as things--- the material products or social products.

culture as everyday life---what a group of peopel do.

Culture=behaviours and values and beliefs which determines behaviors.



Agreement rule

Context rule:



creating social warnth


Teaching and 




culture is a verb.

culture is the material products or social products


IDC(Intercultural development inventory)is a 50-item, theory-based instrument that can be taken either in paper and pencil form or online. The IDC is currently in 15 languages including Chinese.





How to  evaluate--examples: aanalyse curriculum, interview and observe teachers, interview learners.多角度triangulation很全面。evaluation is not assessment. Assessing: test 'knowledge about' with question and answer; test 'knowledge how' (how to compare, discover, critique) with tasks. 划分非常清晰。 types of assessment, 标准的划分有对错和等级。Teachers use unconscious criteria. Experts (trained teachers) use conscious criteria.这两句话非常好。

developmental model of intercultural sensitivity--Bennett: Denial-defence-minimization-ethnocentrism; acceptance-adaptation-integration-ethnorelativism. dealing with cultural differences


Clarifying concepts, Examples, Self-assessmen

The power of assessment: 'washback effect' and 'teaching to the test'; but assessment is more than testing.

Concept 1--Evaluation: Evaluation of teaching-and-learning=process: 1. Is the process coherent: 'Are you teaching what you say you want to teach?'; Is the process successful?  'Are your learners learning what you (and they) want them to leanr?'; Are your methods working?; How can the above anseres improve the process?

Concept2--Assessment: Assessment of learning and learners=products: Have the learners learnt what they have been taught (achievemnt)?know that.about and know how; What have the laerners learnt from anywhere --home, school, friends, internet, etc (proficiency)? 从过程和结果来测评的角度划分的很清晰


跨文化沟通课程内容:学科与概念,文化差异,得体交际,有效沟通。《跨文化沟通》:basic concepts, intercultural skills, applications.每单元主要内容:1。what's wrong? 学生的差异在视野。(音量调到最大,声音还是有些听不清。。。。)鸭子还是兔子的图片,要转换视角。Geely-Volvo Acquisition:What are they discussing?:strategy, product, market; What's wrong with them:cultural differences or communication proble; Which competency is needed:technical, managerial, intercultural competency.


思维差异的图是不是有点太老了。文化内部间的差异也很大,过于generalize是否有刻板印象的风险。本节偏向political and commercial application


明确目标,战略。Agenda: why to teach IC, What to teach, How to teac?

why:英语、翻译、商务英语、大学英语大纲,学生个人发展、职场、国家、国际需求。what: needs analysis,国家战略需求,需求要远大。




”跨文化+“时代,培养这样的战略思维、跨文化思维与跨文化能力人才。communication skills are determinging global competency


Two approaches to research: conceptual and empirical


Intercultural case study

Learning culture through proverbs





本节课程收获与思考如下:The development of intercultural comperence should be incorporated in the objectives of all courses when possible. 跨文化教材系列的编辑的主旨、目的和逻辑。goal:to help students move from independant users B1, B2 to proficient users C1, C2. Objectives for each unit: language and communication skill, critical thinking skills, intercultural competence (communication in intercultural contexts, reflecting on and analyzing cultural differences in human communication, presenting and analyzing issues in mother tongue culture)目标背后反映的难题难点在哪?definition of cultures (generation gaps), debate is a kind of intercultural communication.

from understanding to practicing

课程设计要有交际需求:information, opinion, reasoning gap. 高考letter writing。 教材改编。演讲考虑到观众来设计。How to avoid of being too cliche?教材设计很生动,但是可能针对的target froup年龄较小,语言水平初级但年龄较大的人群未必能被吸引。


课堂的心得和思考整理如下:inevitable globalization, therefore, one need to learn to survive in the world. components of intercultural competence: knowledge, skills, disposition(性格,性情,倾向).常常忽略少数人。skills: communicative competence (linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse competence), skills of interpreting and relating, skills of discovering and interacting, critical cultural awareness, skills of talking about home culture in L2. 用understandable语言和方式谈论自己的文化(申奥)。争议:English as lingua franca:理解应该是双向的,而不能仅仅满足英语为母语者的需求。Disposition: openness, curiosity about other cultures, tolerance for ambiguity, respect for otherness, behavioral flexibility, empathy. 不要一昧judge


Seven C's:  Criteria, Cultures, Contextualizing, Comparing, Challenging, Critiquing, Applying


Five Principles: Exploring,Interacting, Empathizing, Reflecting, Critical thinking


action research: teacher as teacher and                   research

paradigm change



