
价格 ¥699.00
学时 10.0
学时 10.0
学习有效期 180 天(随到随学)
会员免费学 购买课程

思辨英语教学原则Teaching THINK English 



1. Target: highlight CT objectives in your syllabus: cognitive skills and affective dispositions ; Make CT expict through the teaching predures


2. Inquire: inquiry-based learning. Identify and research issues and questions to develop their knowledge or solutions 

Socratic dialog 苏格拉底式对话,针对cooperate一个简单的问题,进行深入的探讨,反复询问,拷问。


3. Routinize :活动设计,反复训练高阶思维

Learn CT knowledge: Paul and Elder, Thinker's Guide Library Bloom and Anderson, Dehphi

Practice CT routines: Ron Ritchhart, Making thinking Visible


--Pose a quesiton ; Think individually; Exchange ideas in pairs; Share ideas in groups(intellectually chanllenging questions; independent thinking; perspectivizing; reflecting )

4. Integrate: 融合语言能力和思辨能力的培养compatibility of language and CT

5. Refelect :通过反思活动培养元认知能力和自我调节思维的能力

thinking about one's own thinking 


disussing problem-solving p*ess and metacognition 

6. Cooperate: 构建合作学*共同体


7. Evaluate运用思辨标准评价学*活动

clarity, accuracy 

8. Fulfill 激发学*者的学*潜能和人文潜能

language for liberal educaiton 





Collaborating in small groups/comunication principles


How to resolve conflicts?

Defusing communication helps.

no gunnysacking, do forgive.



任务3:Introduction of critical thinking as a system of analysis and eva;uation

The top five most important skills are professionalism, teamwork, oral communication, ethics and social responsibility, and finally, reading comprehension. 



Q: How can we help our students become better thinkers and better speakers?

A: Substantially increase the quality and quantity of speaking spportunities. 

Project approach includes small group presentations, many more(15-20) speaking opportunities and researched speeches, 5-8 impromptu speeches, dynamic, peer  oral assessment and finally, more written pages. 


CT: evaluation

professionalism; teamwork; oral communication; ethics&resoponsibility;



Q:how can help ss better thinkers/speakers

A: Substantially increase quality and quantity of speaking opportunities. 

instructor guide:

oral communication/public speaking:

e.g. key word, ask ss to speak about it with a format.

teacher sitting together with ss, ss assessing

part 1: theory: 

Pras-dialectic unity of concepts and practical activities as instrument to change: repeat the same skill in different contexts

"Whoever is doing the assessing is doing the c t."---peer assessment+oral ass + dynamic+no scores: improvement & positive(I would like it more if)+in groups

Part2- student activities: repeated daily without too much labors(labor for ss)



1. Critical Thinking思辨/Intercultural融入教学目标


tips: evidence; credibility of the evidence

2. inquiry-based learning 探究: identify and research issues. 学生活动+教师设计:

Socratic dialogs:交叉提问+未预先设定的明确结论

interview 5students>summary+report>两个同学必须达成共识>7-8个同学组组讨论不同的共识观点。

3. routinize常规:设计有效活动+反复训练高阶思维

阅读文献:a. learn CT knowledge: Paul and Elder, Bloom and Anderson, Delphi-思想者指南 thinkers' guide theory

b. Ron Ritchhart: Making Thinking Visible:

think-pair-share: question-think individually>exchange ideas in pairs > share in groups of 7/8

4. integrate:融合语言能力和思辨能力







How should I act?

How should I talk?

How should I stand?

How should I move?

Where should I look?

What should I do with my notes?

How should I dress?

How do I pull it all together?

5Ps- Preparation and Practice Prevent Poor Performance



Invention P*ess

1. Have a topic

2. Research or brainstorm

3. Read and group research

4. Narrow and expand-draft outline

5. Modular approach

6. Developing Narratives-Balance 

7. Key-word outline

8. Add introduction

9. Add transitions-internal previews


 Rough Draft Construction

I  Problem



II Cause



III Solution 






A classical approach to proof

Aristotle's three artistic proofs(from his book "Rhetoric")

Ethos- Source credibility

Logos- Logical appeal

Pathos- Emotional appeal

Aristotel's Definition of Rhetoric 

Finding all of the available means of persuasion in any given circumstance.



Collaborating in Small Groups  Communication Principles

  • See-I Writing 


  • The Model of Communication Sender ---Channel ---Receiver



  • Definition of Communication ----Communication happens whenever someone places meaning on something.


  • Types of Communication 
  1. Verbal--words and symbols
  2. Nonverbal--visual and vocal
  • A*oms
  • You cannot not communicate.
  • Communication has relational and content aspects.
  • Communication can be intentional or unintentional.
  • Communication can be active or passive.
  • Meanings are in people.



“Whoever is doing the assessing is doing the critical thinking.”


Q: How can we help our students become better thinkers and better speakers?

A: Substantially increase the quality and quantity of speaking opportunities.

The open-source instructor guide for the IVC Project is available: http://ses.*su.edu.cn/info/1103/3237.htm



1. Target

2. Inquire

3. Routinize

4. Integrate

5. Reflect

6. Cooperate

7. Evaluate

8. Fulfill 


me ---I

you ---Listen+Feedback 

context ---differernt perspectives

topic ---adapted shared


impromptu speech---拿出任何一个东西要求说2分钟

zone of proximal development 



Irvine Valley College


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