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1. Communication is a shared time when shared meanings are created.




A course of humanity 

liberal education

as western rhetorical tradition 

through debate we can find truth






the process of invention

research, writing a speech

choosing a topic


information literacy

recognise ,located, evalute information

academic resources to back up heir speech

diversity and civic engagement

avoid cultrally sentitive languages

the teacher made a evaluation to student to find out whether students in the US dread public speech

much larger than language stuff

general familiarity with argument reason

the structure of arguagement

writing course provided way before they enter into university

critica thinking abilities and a course of humanity are taught through public speech and debate

it is a part of liberal education

it stem form western riectorial tradtions

desihning the course is in inclusion of the foundational skills of public speech: dealing with stage fright

conducting responxible research

engaging in  active listening

performing  audiences analysis

to the themes of developing a toipic ,supporting ideas with evidents and warrent

organing a speech outline

2 debate could be regard as persuasive speech


q&a session

 how to incorporate english public speaking and debate into classroom activity


half and half dividing

group a

group b

give the debate resolution to half of the students and conceal the topic  from the other half

subdivide groupa into proposion and opposition speakers

if it is a large







Communication is a shared time when shared meanings are created. 


cumminication is a shared time when shared meanings are created.

cover 3 aspects

how ps and de taught in the us

--ps and de :core course for english majors

--compulsory course(depart of 

100 level  course

debate course: 200 level elective couse 

KU has the strong ps and debate in KU

how to design and teach as a new 


Policy debate


Coms 130

3 times, every time 1 hour



1.The process of Invention: ability to do research and write a speech, classical rehotiric 

2.Information literacy

  --how to find information



3.diversity and civic engagemetn


    word choices historica races

  --civie serarios 

     --eligiable to vote

USA toay

--I have to fear of public speaking

--general familiarity with argument

   every student must take a writing class


well rounded course


2. how do design and teach english public speaking and debare as a new curriculum?

