以“面向国际和职业交流的作为外语的英语及专门用途英语写作教学与研究”(Teaching and Researching EFL and ESP Writing for Global and Professional Communication)为主题的“第十届中国英语写作教学与研究国际研讨会”将于2016年9月23日-9月25日在太原理工大学召开。此次会议由太原理工大学外国语学院承办,外语教学与研究出版社、高等教育出版社协办。目前,国内外130多所高校的200余位专家、学者提交了交流论文,知名专家学者云集。为了使大家更好地了解会议有关内容,做好参会准备,获得更大收获,我们将利用会议召开前的这段时间,陆续以“会议专题预告”的形式进行介绍。
2.基于眼动追踪和键盘实录的写作认知过程研究是目前国际上写作研究的热点之一,但从国内近几年的文献来看,该方面的研究成果还非常有限,值得进一步探索。本研究通过TOBII TX 300眼动仪和Inputlog的使用,尝试观察语言测试语境下本科学生英语写作和修改过程中的思维模式,以发现学生写作中存在的问题,从而对症下药,改进教学。
Kenneth Ferguson
Bio: Kenneth has been an educator for over 10 years both in America, where he taught middle and high school students, and in China, where he instructs university students. He has a Master’s degree in ancient culture and is CELTA certified. He currently works at Renmin University of China in the School of Foreign Languages teaching Advanced English Writing.
Topic: From Fundamental to Phenomenal
Abstract: Students have studied English more than half their lives before they reach university. However, English is still a foreign language and causes many students to stumble academically. How can a teacher help their students function at a higher cognitive level and produce better writing? This session will introduce you to Krashen’s Theory of Second Language Acquisition and Blooms Taxonomy. Then after examining some of the common errors Chinese students make, we will use a combination of Krashen and Bloom to evaluate and elevate your students’ essays.
John Berra
Bio: John Berra, Film Studies Ph.D., University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. His current research areas are contemporary Chinese cinema and media trends in East Asia. He is the co-editor of the East Asian Journal of Popular Culture. He has published peer-reviewed articles in such journals as Asian Cinema, Film, Fashion and Consumption, and Science Fiction Film and Television.
Topic: Fundamental Strategies for Academic Writing
Abstract: Different academic disciplines have different writing conventions. For instance, a piece of scientific writing can be very different from philosophy. However, there are fundamental strategies that should not only be employed across all disciplines but need to be instilled at undergraduate level if future research excellence is to result. This presentation will outline undergraduate teaching methods for a number of related or alternative strategies pertaining to the processes of idea generation and the structuring of essays–mind-mapping, pre-writing, and outlining. Adopting a set of proven academic writing strategies is to be conscious of the fundamental practices that provide any piece of work with its foundations, thereby facilitating a sound base from which learning can be achieved and further research can be developed. This presentation will illustrate how building this set of strategies enables students to develop control and confidence with regards to their academic writing from a critical early stage.
1. 人民大学项目组,《中国人民大学英语写作能力标准》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2016。
2. Coyle, W., and Law, J. Research Papers (Sixteenth Edition). 北京:北京语言大学出版社,2015。
3. John Langan. College Writing Skills with Readings (Ninth Edition). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2014。
4. Strunk, W. and White, E. The Elements of Style (Forth Edition). New York: Pearson, 2000.
5. William Zinsser. On Writing Well. New York: HarperCollins US, 2006.
6. 葛传椝,《英语写作》,上海:上海译文出版社, 2013。
7. 凯特·L·杜拉宾,《芝加哥大学论文写作指南》,北京:新华出版社,2015。
8. 高闯,《眼动实验原理:眼动的神经机制研究方法与技术》,武汉:华中师范大学出版社,2012。
9. 珍妮弗·伯格斯托姆,《眼动追踪:用户体验设计利器》,北京:电子工业出版社,2015。
10. Anna Gonerko-Frej. “Teaching Academic Writing for the Global World in Poland: The ELF Perspective”[A]. In Karen Bennett. The Semiperiphery of Academic Writing[C]. Springer, 2014.
11. Hayes, J. “A New Framework for Understanding Cognition and Affect in Writing”[A] In Indrisano, R. and Squire, J. (eds.). Perspectives on Writing: Research, Theory, and Practice[C]. New York/London: Routledge, 2002.
12. Otto Kruse. “Getting Started: Academic Writing in the First Year of a University Education”[A]. In Björk, L., Bräuer, G., Rienecker, L., Jörgensen, P.(eds.) Teaching Academic Writing in European Higher Education[C].Springer, 2003.
13. 梁晓晖,“英语写作思维的认知型多模态培养模式” [J].《外语电化教学》,2015(1):43-49。
14. 徐昉, “学术英语写作研究述评” [J].《外语教学与研究》,2015(1):94-105。
15. 杨冬玲,陈坚林, “国外学术英语写作研究与教学(1990-2014)—基于SSCI和知识图谱的演化趋势分析” [J]. 《外语电化教学》,2015(6):9-16。
1. The Excelsior College OWL:http://owl.excelsior.edu/
2. Colorado State University-The Writing Studio:http://writing.colostate.edu/
3. Santa Rosa Junior College Online Writing Lab:http://www.srjcwritingcenter.com/
4. Centralia College Online Writing Lab:http://owl.centralia.edu/index.html
5. Reed College Online Writing Lab: http://academic.reed.edu/writing/esl_resources.html/
1. The Academic Writing: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/academic-english
2. The English Composition: https://www.coursera.org/learn/english-composition
3. English Composition: Research and Writing: https://www.edx.org/course/english-composition-research-writing-asux-eng102x
4. English Composition: https://www.edx.org/course/english-composition-asux-eng101x-0
5. English Grammar and Style: https://www.edx.org/course/english-grammar-style-uqx-write101x-2