


Has man a future?


Liang Shuming, a Chinese philosopher who spent 70 years of his life seeking an answer to this question, held the belief that the world would get better every day. However, as the fast development of modern society has brought unprecedented challenges to mankind, this lingering question continues to provoke deep thought, reflection, doubt or even fear. For example, Igor Morski, a Polish graphic designer, has created a series of pictures depicting some of the lurking problems in today’s world that will endanger rather than improve people’s lives. Some scholars even warn that if severe threats like nuclear weapons and climate change remain unchecked, “the doomsday clock is on the verge of striking.”


What is your answer to this question? Write an essay with YOUR OWN TITLE, clearly stating your opinion and supporting your ideas with reasons and examples. You should write about 800 words.













第一眼看到这个题目“Has man a future?”, 就有一种预感,这篇议论文肯定和我们平时常写的议论文有区别。虽然它的模式还是传统的“表达观点型”的题目,赞成正方观点(世界会越来越好的),或是反方观点(世界的未来岌岌可危)。但是它留给参赛选手的立意比较广,它目的就是要参赛者表达出对世界未来发展所持的态度,具有更加深广的现实意义。在观点落脚点的选择上,我没有任凭自己的感觉妄做决定,而是分别对正反两观点做了预设,权衡之下,我选择了正方的观点。如果在议论文观点落脚点上犹豫不决的话,对正反两观点做预设是不错的方法。但是做预设要求你的判断要快、准,尤其是考场作文,时间比较紧迫,你的预设、选择更得迅速、准确。





























Has Man A Future?

People have been for years pondering over the question, "Has man a future?" for years, without reaching any definite conclusions. Those who are in favor of this question, like Liang Shuming, a Chinese philosopher, hold that the world would get better every day. However, with the irresistable and inevitable advancement of the society, the question has aroused different responses. The opponents argue that our future will be in nowhere if some severe menaces like nuclear weapons and climate change remain unchecked. After weighing the question, my choice lies with these advocates. I will give an affirmative answre to this question without hestitation. Man indeed has a future.


It must be admitted that these deep thought, reflection, doubt or even fear about the future of mankind exist for a reason. The modern society is definitely characterized by the rapid rate of change, opportunity and challenge. We have made tremendous improvements in virtually every field of our life. However, some challenges will inevitably ensue. Environment deterioration, wars and population explosion pose a greater menace to our society. Granted that we are in a era that are filled with challenges and changes, we are still be blessed with an inexhaustible wealth of opportunities. We should never let these menaces blind us to the ample opportunities it may offer. And that is the very reason why I still maintain hope for the future of our human.


一、此文作者遣词造句的功底相当深厚,表述流畅自如,句式多变,基本没有矫揉造作之嫌,如上文中出现的“Granted that we are in a era that are filled with …”以及下文中出现的 “We have to gain a comprehensive …” 等。



At the outset, these lurking problems depicted in Morski's picture are not all doom and gloom. On the contrary, they are an indispensable millstones during the course of human's development. Everything has its casualties and prices to pay, the development of our human being is no exception. For instance, we have to pay for our dramatic advancements in technology by withstanding the fear that human being will be manipulated by these intelligent human contrievences such as robots. We have to obtain the enormous industrial improvemnet to better serve ourselves at the expense of our environment and resources. We have to gain a comprehensive understanding of ourselves and the world by giving up something, either volunteerly or compulsively.That is the price of growth. Fortunately, these lurking problems have left us more than the extreme fear and doubt about our future. We are capable to make profound self-reflection and make adjustments and changes accordingly. Rome is not built in one day. It should be covered step by step and brick by brick. And some menaces should be taken into consideration at times. The principle also applies to the forward journey of the development of human being and the world. We need to set us free sometimes and ponder over our past wrongdoings. These lurking problems promise us incomparable opportunities to meditate, to highly raise our awareness of risks and straight out our wrongdoings in the past. Being aware of these acute threats, we are able to spare no effort to remedy them and to make our world a better place. Seen through the perpective mentioned above, these lurking problems resulted from the unprecedented development of the world can really go a long way toward the integrated development and thus the future of human beings.


二、作者善用长短句交替,显得错落有致,且朗朗上口,堪称上乘之作,如上文中出现的 “Everything has its casualties and prices to pay…. For instance, we have to …”;



On top of that, our promising future will be in sight as long as we are eager to make it possible. Nothing is impossible if we struggle to make it come true with our persistance and perseverence. Conspicuously, we have been on the progressive path of self-exploration and world-exploration for many years.We were eager to explore the origin of human being and thus The Origin of Species, the masterpiece of Darwin, was able to be presented to us. We were eager to detect the outside of the earth and thus many space crafts were sent to the outer space to bring us the nysterious outer world. We were eager to talk to our friends thousand miles away and thus the computer technology emerged and went viral. These eagernesses which used to be far from our imagination have been turned into rosy realities. And they are enjoying striking popularity among us. Besides, these eagerness are just epitomies of the whole process of human's exploration of the world and future. Human being is blessed with the impressive imagination and courisity. They can make the world from noting to everying with their eagerness and persistance. Undoubtedly, the promising future of human being can also be anticipated as long as we are eager to, as long as we are on the right track and take self-reflections to correct our wrongdoings.


三、作者对修辞的运用娴熟,尤其是本段中的Parallelism(We were eager to …We were eager to … We were eager to …)颇有磅礴之势。



To put it in a nutshell, the world is, to be sure, far from a rosy picture from what we have imagined. But being unable to change the brutal world, we are none the less be capable of altering our way of observing the world. Future is inpredicted. But it can be better as long as we have the eagerness to make it better. Only in this way, can a promising future for man be anticipated.



四、作者在写作时善用一些低频词语,如:ensue, millstone, epitome, at the outset, straight out, go viral等,足见作者词汇量丰富,阅读量较大



It must be admitted that these deep thought, reflection, doubt or even fear about the future of mankind exist for a reason.

 At the outset, these lurking problems depicted in Morski's picture are not all doom and gloom.

 On top of that, our promising future will be in sight as long as we are eager to make it possible.














1. Your Purpose

明确写作的目的,以此议论文为例,我们的写作目的是去论证“Has Man A Future?”。


2. The Key Question Which the Written Piece Answers:认识到文章需要回答的问题,也就是说,需要清楚并亮出自己的观点,即:Man has a future.


3. Present the Most Important Information:表达最重要的信息。 “cite relevant evidence, experience, and/or information essential to the issue”, 需要引用那些可以支撑观点的例证、经验或者信息。


4. Assumptions:提出假设。必要时可以提出假设,提出的假设需要能够解决相关问题。


5. Inference or Conclustions:得出假设结论。“use a sound line of resoning to come to logical conclusions”,通过一个完整的说理过程得出一个合理的结论。