雅思金牌通关课 高分冲刺段 写作

雅思金牌通关课 高分冲刺段 写作
价格 ¥319.00
学习有效期 180 天(随到随学)


for example---举例


because of that---因果

given that condition---因果

This is natural, and unnecessary to be changed 段落小结


2. 拓展于义



be directily linked to

be closely connected with

be largely associated with



lead to

give rise to

contribute to

(4) 用从句来引入例子

A clear case in point is that...

A typical example can be found in...

(5) 时间对比的表达


On the contrary

By the same token,... 

(7) 段落小结

It is little wonder that...

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that...
