

掌握以下四个小技巧,让你的听力so easy!


西方媒体多引用当事人原话,或转述其之后将完成的动作。而一则新闻中往往有多个主体时间交错穿插,按照信息的重要程度确定顺序。如果不能够根据上下文、代词和修辞手法推断出动作的发出者,那么往往容易“张冠李戴”。例如,在英国第二位女首相入主唐宁街十号的这则新闻中,首句中的“the woman”是为了强调其女首相的特殊身份,第二句中的“Theresa May”直接指出其当前职务是内政大臣“Home Secretary”,实则都指的是同一个人。如果在后文中提及“the presumptive Prime Minister”,“the Current Home Secretary”或是“the second Iron Lady”,我们都要能迅速在头脑中反应出指的都是特丽莎·梅女士。而后一句中抓住关键词“rival”,我们便能够非常清晰地理清楚人物关系,知道安德烈娅·利德索姆是她的竞争对手。


The woman who will be Britain’s next Prime Minister has promised to make the country’s exit from the European Union a success despite backing the remain campaign in last month’s referendum. Theresa May who is currently Home Secretary was confirmed as the new conservative party leader after her sole remaining rival Andrea Leadsom withdrew from the contest. Although Theresa May was the clear favor to succeed David Cameron even she probably never anticipated events would move quiet so swiftly. Instead of taking over in September, Mrs. May will now become Prime Minister on Wednesday evening. A rapidhandover that becomes almost inevitable as soon as Mrs. Leadsom announced her decision to quit. This afternoon, at the meeting of conservative MPs, Mrs. May was officially confirmed as the new leader of the conservative party.



  1. handover 

        ① (权力、责任等的)移交,移交期

        e.g. the smooth handover of power from a military to a civilian government


        ② (某人或某物的)交出,上交

        e.g. the handover of the hostages


    2.  inevitable

        ① 不可避免的,不能防止的

        e.g. It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.


        ② 总会发生的,照例必有的,惯常的

      e.g. The English and their inevitable cups of tea



作为树形结构语言(tree-shaped)的典型代表,英语中的时间地点状语如同枝叶一般层层附着于句子的主干之上。而我们在上期中已经说到,理解句意的关键便在于厘清主干。有时,句子的主题和动作之间可能包含大量的无效信息,需要我们在听到句篇的“心理主语”(psychological subject)迅速根据主题在脑海中搜索与之相关的词汇和背景知识,对新闻的主要内容做出一定的预测并不断根据后面听到的内容进行完善和修正。例如,这则新闻中第一句话主干就是“The terror began"。 我们顺手记下时间和地点的同时,心中可回忆有关恐怖袭击的词汇如terrorist groups,terrorist attack,Jihadist,hijack,ISIS,Boko Haram等,并预期发生的事件可能是自杀式爆炸、空袭、人质劫持等。而在关键句“a large white lorry careered at full speed towards them”出现后,我们对之前的预期作出一定修改,并做出新的猜测,可能是哪一个恐怖组织策划了本次袭击,有哪些国家发出了慰问,采取了哪些措施,伤亡情况如何等等。


The terror began a little after 22:30 on Thursday, shortly after thousands of people had watched a firework display on the seafront in Nice, at the end of a day marking France's day of independence,Bastille Day. There had been a mood of celebration and the crowd had enjoyed an air force display during the evening. As families strolled along the city's renowned Promenade des Anglais, a large white lorry careered at full speed towards them. The vehicle mounted the kerb then went back on the road, zigzagging for up to 2km (1.25 miles), as the driver intentionally drove into the crowd. Police finally managed to bring the lorry to a halt near the luxury Palais de la Méditerranée hotel.



  1. Bastille Day 


  2. mount

    ① 准备,安排,组织开展

    e.g. to mount a protest/ campaign/ an exhibition


    ② 骑上,跨上,乘上

    e.g. He mounted his horse and rode away.


    ③ 逐步增加

    e.g. The death toll continues to mount.


3. 根据连词知关系

有时一则新闻较长,容易引起听众疲劳,从而错过关键信息,导致前后内容关系不明。这时需要注意篇章中所使用的各种连接词(connective word),包括连词(conjunction)和一些连接副词(conjunctive adverb),它们承担着语义转换的重要功能,在新闻听力中可以帮助我们划分信息,并合理分配注意力。例如在下则日本天皇拟退位的新闻中,前面提到负责掌管日本皇室内廷事务的宫内厅拒绝回应此事,致使该消息无从查证。但后面紧跟表转折的连接副词however,表明仍有蛛丝马迹,即天皇夫妇今年五月发表的声明中隐含退位之意。


Uncertainty still surrounds reports that Japanese Emperor Akihito is considering stepping down. Japanese public broadcaster NHK—— citing sources in the Imperial Household Agency ——reported Wednesday that Akihito, 82, believes his age prevents him from performing his duties to the fullest and that the next generation should take them on. The Imperial Household Agency has declined to comment. However, the report follows an announcement from Akihito’s household in May that he and Empress Michiko, 81, would reduce their public appearances because of their ages.

The Japanese monarchy is the oldest hereditary monarchy in the world. Records show the imperial line has been unbroken for fourteen centuries. The emperor is a ceremonial but revered figure in Japan’sconstitutional monarchy.



  1. Constitutional Monarchy


  2. hereditary

    ① 遗传,遗传性的

    e.g. a hereditary illness/ disease/ condition/ problem 遗传的疾病;问题

    ② 世袭的

    e.g. a hereditary title/ monarchy


