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听力:十分钟 20道 自己听问题 增加talk
are you confident or insecure in do you react po or ne . the answer sheet on a study found that positive can be con in some case.for example,
1 听写材料:学生日常生活和社会生活
2 共10小节,每节1分
Dictation 借鉴托福考试听力地lectures
Step 1: 听懂文章 把握全文 不要着急动笔
Step 2: 按照意群停顿听写 如不确定,按发音填补
Step 3: 补充空缺
Step 4: 检测错漏(拼写、标点、时态、单复数、主谓一致等细节)
·理解为先 语法自查 注意书写
Are you confident or insecure in a difficult situation ?Do you react positively or negatively? The answer may depended on whom you are around. A study found that negative thinking can be contagious in some cases.For example,the researchers studied one hundered and three college roomates.They measuresd roomates' tendency towards negative thinking.It was found that thinking passions can be contagious. students with a negative roomate become more depressed themselves.,and students with more positive thinking roomates were more likely to become more positive as well.