
学时 6.0
学时 6.0
学习有效期 截止:2022-10-31 (随到随学)
该课程属于 浙江工业大学教师发展智慧研修空间 请加入后再学习


open and challenging tasks

encourage learners to what they already know

encourage learners to evaluate what they have said and done

difficult to make comparisons with group groups

difficult to ascertain the ability to transer to other contexts; thinking skills are not especially tested or evaluated in normal assessment practices

good attitudes and enthusiasm for innovation are positive outcomes

the same program may not necessarily be useful or successful in another context

creative thinking research needs to consider the social,  historical, cultural and educational features of contexts

a way of learning

a dialogue with others and an internal dialogue

English can be used to improver learners' English competence




make an argument and counter argument

view one-view one against

examine the evidence

reason why the evidence support your claim

question whether they are releant useful and appropriate

critical p*ess model: explore, question, challenge, analysis, synthesize, consider, evaluate

contexts, cultures, strengths, weakness, evidence, examples, different perspectives, boundaries, limitations, ambituities

the cognitive acceleration approach: group work for tasks, whole-class reflection and efforts to transfer thinking

thought-provoking activities, group discussions, mapping and visuals

instrumental enrichment: p*ess skills, carefully designed activities mediated by teacher questions and scaffolding and later extended to other contexts

somerset thinking skills: visully stimulating materials

cognitive research trust: use models through repeated practice and broad creative thinking


consider alternatives and other people's vies

envisage consequences

planning and decision-making

info, facts, figures

thinking about the thinking, organizing and managing dissuss

faults or disadvantages

emotions, feelings, intuitions

explores alternatives and new ideas

value and advantage

key pharases:








describe the scene, interpret the scene







content and language integrated learning

learn as you use, use as you learn

remain unchanged:







locating issues or problems, examing strengths and weaknesses, assessing evidence, reviewing solutions, nuanced interpretation

generative, evaluative

creative thingking, critical thinking

imagining: alternatives, innovations, ideas, consequences

constructing mental representations

judging usefulness, appropriateness in contexts

interpreting and applying


make a point, give evidence, give an explanation, respond with an evaluation

1. external evaluation

2. external explict evluation+reasons

3. evaluation using explicit criteria

4 internal evaluation using appropriate critieria




35 dimensions of criticl thought

Paul-Elder framework

intellectual standars(accuracy clarity, revelance, logical sufficiency precision, depth, significance, fairness, breath)

intellectural traints(humility, autonomy, fair-mindedness, courage, perseverance, empathy, integrity, confidence in reasoining)

must be applied to elements of reasoing: purposese, questions, points of view, information, inderences, concepts, implications, assumpitons

to develop

elements of thought



APA Delphi Report

interpretation, analysis, inference, explanation, evaluation, self-regulation

interpretation: comprehend, express

categorization, decoding significance, larifying meaning

analysis: identify

examining ideas, detecting arguments, analyzing arguments

evaluation: assess the credibility and the logical strength

assessing claims, assessing arguments

inference: conjectures and hypotheses, educe the consequences

querying evidence, conjecting alternatives, drawing conclusions

explanation: to state results, to justify the reasoning, and to present reasoining

stating results, justifying p*edures, presenting arguments

self-regulation: monitor cognitive activities

self-examination, seft-correction


APA: puposeful, self-regulatory judgement which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference, as well as explanation of the evidential, conceptual, mehtological, critieriological, or contextual considerations upon which that judgement is based

CT is essential as a tool of inquiry. As such, CT is a liberating force in education and a powerful resource in one's personal and civic life. while not synonymous with good thinking, CT is a pervasie and self-rectifying human phenomenon

ideal critical thinker: habitually inquisitive, well-informed, trustful of reason, open-minded, fle*ble, far-minded in evaluation, honest in facing personal biases, prudent in making judgement, willing to reconsider, clear about issues, oerderly in complext matters, diligent in seeking relevant information, reasonalbe in the selection of criteria, focused in inquiry, and persistent in seeking results which are as precise as the subject and the circumstance of inquiry permit.

developing ct skills with nurturing those dispositons which consistently yield useful insights and which are the basis of a rational and democratic society




Warwick University


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