logical fallacy
Arguments: premises, inferences and conclusions. 前提,推理过程,结论
Logical Fallacy
Formal Fallacies(deductive)
valid: sound//unsound
Informal Fallacies(inductive)
Inductive Arguments are by nature Fallacious
Fallacies of Ambiguity/Relevance/Presumption
Formal: propositional fallacies 复合命题式
affriming a disjunct: X or Y; X, therefore not Y.
affirming the consequent: if X, then Y; Y, therefore X.
denying the antecedent: if X; then Y; not X, therefore not Y.
syllogistic fallacies 三段论式
affirmative: a. all X is Y // i: some X is Y
negative: e. no X is Y // o: some X is not Y
1.illicit affirmative: both premises are affirmative but has a negative conclusion.
e.p. All movie stars are rich.
Some rich people are mean.
Therefore, some movie stars are not mean.
2.illicit negative: 结论肯定,至少有一个否定前提。
e.p. We are not rich people.
Rich people don't care about poor people.
Therefore, we care about poor people.
3.illicit major
e.p. All X are Y
No Z are X
Therefore, no Y is Z. (大前提的Y不代表Y的全部性质,而结论的Y代表全部)
4.illicit minor
e.p. All X are Y
All X are Z
Therefore, all Z are Y. (小前提中的Z不代表Z的全部性质,而结论的Z却代表了全部)
5.undistributed middle
e.p. All cats are mammals
All dogs are mammals
Therefore, all cats are dogs. (中项mammals对于大前提cats和小前提dogs的对应部分不完全重叠,而结论把这部分完全重叠了)
6. four terms
e.p. Nothing is better than ture love.
Money is better than nothing.
Therefore, money is better than ture love. (大前提和小前提的nothing不是同一个term,这里一共有四个terms)
disjunct肯定选言 xy都可能为真 不能认为x为真,y就一定是假
consequent肯定条件 不能由结果推条件
antecedent否定前项 对条件的充分、必要性判断失误
Formal fallacies
1.compound propositions
X or Y; X, therefore not Y
if X, then Y;(not) Y,therefore (not)X
前提不周言,结论周言 ✖
两个前提中中项不周言,结论大项(小项)周言 ✖
Informal fallacies
周延:指全部的A,即all A或 no A
不周延: 指A 的一部分,并非全部,即 A, some A等
undistributed middle 指中项 在大前提和小前提都是不周延的,大项和小项无相关性
肯定 肯定 否定 (错误)
否定 否定 肯定 (错误)