3. candidates at Band 7 are generally fluent and coherent when expressing ideas while those at Band 5 may have to make noticable efforts to keep their speech going, They have fluency problems esp. in more complex communication.
candidates at Band 7 have comparatively larger vocabulary necessary to cover a variety of topics, are able to paraphrase effectively, but thoase at Band 5 have limited vocabulary and fle*bility.
Band-7 candidates are able to employ complex structures with fle*bility while Band-5 candicates can only make use of basic structures with reasonable accuracy.
4. When preparing students, make sure they can use basic structures fle*bly first, before moving on to the higher level. provide them with different word or expressions for describing the same thing. And give them more reading (reading aloud) activities.
It's better to show students different articles around the same topic to equip them with a variety of expressions