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1.review of guidelines

2. case studies

3speaking practice

types of occasions: 1 speech of introduction; speech of presentation; speech of acceptance; toasts; speech of tribute

1. focus on the featured speaker

be brief

be accurate

establish the speaker's credibility

create realistic expectations

set the tone for the speech.

2. state the purpose of the award or recognition

state the recipient's qualifications

adapt your speech's organization to audience knowledge;

compliment the finalists for the award

3. thank those who bestowed the award;

compliment the competition

thank those who helped you attain the award

accept the award graciously

4. stand up and speak to the entire room.

exhibit warmth and sincerity.

state important principles briefly, graciously, and circumspectly.

raise the glass and consume the drink.

5. establish noble themes

provide vivid examples

express the audience feelings

craete a memorable image

be genuine


