
价格 ¥299.00
学时 3.0
学时 3.0
学习有效期 180 天(随到随学)
会员免费学 购买课程

,production≠output (translation interpreting)

1. 课文教学方法?

bottom-up T:(1. words,paragraph,exercises,extension,dictation+retelling+exercises)S: *(new words, read, reading comprehension, memorize)

top-down (text-based) T: (skiming&scanning,structure anaylisis,some  expressions& sentences, extension——POA



1. What does EFL look like in mainland China?

Text-based instruction

Two Stages

Before 1990s: Bottom-up method 由下而上 精读课 Intensive reading course

in Class: Teaching new words-讲课文语法生词,做一些课外练习。下一节课就是听写复述和造句。课堂上最忙的是记笔记。

Students before class:学生预习新单词,短语,会试图记,查字典等。大声朗读文本,准备可能课堂上会回答的问题。

对精读课的criticisms批评:(cotton, 1990,P52)对学生长进没有用,学生被动,老师孤立,学生学习没有有效性。

(short,1984, P50)学生会依赖老师



1992年ELT conference in Tianjin by 开会时保留了。





The less, the more.

From 1990s to present: Top down method 由上而下 global meaning-focused

Text as input


critical comments: 浪费很多时间

2. What is POA?

3. To what extent can POA be justified?

4. How ist POA implemented?

5. How ist POA different from other approaches?


bottom-up text-based instruction(1900s)

Text-based instruction(Top-down and global meaning-focused)





1. Production, production oriented

2. What is POA, to what extent can POA be justed, how is POA implemented? How is POA different from other approches?

3. POA提出的目的 就是 针对当前以课文为中心的教学方法的挑战,to challenge the text-based instruction


80年代 bottom-up

words first   

teach the text paragraph by pragraph

90年代  Text-based instruction

TOP-DOWN and global meaning-focused

skimming and scanning-structure analysis-foucus on some expressions and sentences-do some theme-related communicative tasks.

criticism: dumb English, passive




2.text-based instruction

two stages

before 1990s : bottom-up method

 (1)new words

  (2)linguistic forms & comprehension

  (3)exercise in text books & extended exercise

(4) dictation+retelling+exercise

1990s to present: top-down method

 (1)text as input

(2)skimming & scanning

(3)structure analysis & reading comprehension

(4)expressions & sentences

(5)theme related communicative tasks

POA proposed to challenge the current text-based instruction





produce + producing







Production-oriented approach to teaching Chinese adult L2 learners

WEN Qiufang


what does EFL look like in Mnland China?

What is Produciton-oriented appoach?

To what extent can POA be justified?

How is PoA implemented?

How is POA different from other approaches?

part one

text-based instruction

two stages:before 1990s:Botton-up method(由下而上)

From 1990s to present: Top-down method(由上而下)

What is going on in class?

teaching new word--- teaching paragraph by paragraphy 

do exercises in the text-book 

dictaton +retelling_exercises

criticisms on bottom-up text-based instruction

intensive reading contributes nothing to the development of Englishi language teaching and English language learning in China. 

the intensive reading apprpach tends to increase stuent depencdency on the teacher and the dictionary. this is bad in general educational terms.


讨论结果:Intensive Reading is a suitable course to the Chinese context. Although it needs improvement, it should not be thrown away.

Critical comments on the traditional text-based instruction 

50s', 60s' and 70s' graduates

xuguozhang's textbooks

Yu Dayin's textbooks

Zhang Hanxi's textbook

80's graduates

new concept English(1-4)

为什么传统的教学也很有效?All the texts are of high quality linguistically and cognitively.

Rich input was not available at all. 

L2 learners were willing to do seemingly borning work such as reading aloud and memorize the text since they did not have distractions from the outside and at the same time they did have strong concviction.

the less, the more. 

If classroom teaching focuses on the limited but high quality input, L2 learners can gain more than a huge amount of input without a careful selection and without a teaching focus.

text-based instruction

text as input ---- skimming and scanning ----structure analysis and reading comprehension 还没看懂,搞什么struction?

------ Focus on some expressions and sentences-----Do some theme-related communicative tasks

缺点: 勇士多,效果差

